

She closed her eyes, felt the wind brushing against her cold tinted skin, scanning back into herself, that bunch she held so close to her and tight. Falling into history she lived through everything that took her breath away, everyone that made her flash that occasionally seen curve on her lips, that one person that made her heart skip a beat, couple that gave her life and the sib she fought so dearly with. On the other side she had all of her demons pulling her down with all their might, right back into that pit that she was trying desperately to climb out from. In that neverending duel between life and death, between all of her reasons to, and her reasons not to, she was stuck right in the middle, stranded and confused on which side to take. And then she saw that light, the small glimmer at the far end of the cave. She opened her eyes, blinked away her tears, let loose her grip on that piece of metal which was pointing so wretchedly at her heart. With a vibrant pair of hands folded into a fist, sealed her eyes tight and tuned into her mind, crying out loud, a battle cry, she turned around and asked herself to stop crying to quit, that she's come so far, that she's already in pain, already hurt, asked herself to get a reward from it. With all of the power she had left in her she strode towards what she thought was light, what she conceded as her ray of hope.

They say scars are meant to be shown off, but that if they're wounds, that never heal, wounds that keep rotting deep down in your soul,wounds that keep hurting and never heal into a scar. At times like people like her with unbreakable spirits rise up to the occasion with a certain kind of courage, a special kind, the kind that's strong enough to drop that knife pointing at her animateness, the kind that easily finds their way onto my list of hero's, the kind that you inevitably, undoubtedly call a superwoman.

And the marvy part is that she wakes up every day puts on that armoured smile on her face and fearlessly goes back into her battlefront, does the whole thing all over again, with just one promise that she keeps to herself

That she'll come back to her bed,alive and breathing the very same night.