

Our Common Enemy
Does the north pole and south pole join together?
It was a dark cloudy Thursday, October 22, 2020. The National Highways Authorities forced us to evacuate our place. All our properties?
Yes. We were asked to leave our house within a few hours. That was the pride of my father in law and mother in law. That was the property of pride for all their children.
The mouth which once spoke of dowry became polite now. Once me and my less dowry were their enemies. But now all their concern was about their demolished house and property without a relief fund. Now we both have a common enemy. That is the National Highways which humbled the property of pride and lifted this human of lowly.
Money makes man or man makes money? Which one is costlier? Money or man? Thanks to the National Highways which has taught the pride the humanity and rewarded the patience of the poor and lowly human by making both the poles join together.
NH, our common enemy has served as a bridge between us after a long time struggle in the river of patience.
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