

Paid Service Episode 2 Nightlife
Upon arriving in the big city Mary found a place to rent near the business district Makati, this is where my dreams can come true, she said to herself, she rents in a dorm with 3 more ladies in one room, after settling herself she submitted resumes to multiple banks. She is a banking and finance graduate, Mary is 5'7", has long hair, and is chubby but beautiful because she is a mestiza, after days of waiting finally she got a call for an interview and she passes it with flying colors, she is instructed to report on Monday.
Immediately she calls on her adopted parents to inform them of the good news, " Mom I have a job now" exclaimed Mary, "Thank you, and you have been accepted you take care there Mary" her mother replied, "don't worry mom I'm good here" Mary answers. After relaying the good news she also informs her dorm mates about the good news, "I have a job at last " Mary happily informs them. since it's Friday evening let's go out to celebrate" says Samantha one of her dorm mates, Right let's celebrate echoes her other dorm mates. "Okay okay let's have dinner outside my treat" Mary replied, "okay you treat us for dinner and we will treat you to wine" Karen suggested. Then the Four eat dinner and drink wine, the First Nightlife of Mary that later will change her life

© Alexander