

Truth for integrity
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush
that was planted as a hedge around their homestead. At exactly mid night, Kellah watched the horror of her whole family being hacked to death, and she was dumb founded in the whole session as if, as if some one was holding her mouth not to scream. Kellah had phobia for lavatory, and this fear always prompted her to pay visit to the bush whenever nature placed a call (and for this reason, her father Mzee Kalito started digging a pit on which to construct a latrine for her beloved princess). It was this demeaning vice that would later save her life, as her family were hacked to their demise. "Leave no living creature alive to witness against us", Kellah overheard one of the assailants command. Overwhelmed with the phantom of fear of the gruesome act of murder committed on her kin that was playing repeatedly on her mind like a Nollywood-Bollywood movie, or even the ever deceitful lies of Hollywood, but this was not a movie, this was not a dream as she had rubbed her teary eyes several times to confirm she wasn't dreaming; this was naked real. Kellah was not crying or even sobbing but her tears had drenched and soaked her dirt stained tight blouse leaving the vallies on her chest in sight, she had literally bathed in her tears. The sight of the scene and the dread of the night made her slip into the pit that her Dad was digging to construct the a pit latrine. Kellah had become unconscious before even hitting the bottom end of the pit. As if from a dream, Kellah woke up only to find both of her legs hanging on a rope for support on a nearby hospital(she had dislocated both her hip joints but no single bone was broken). Hush, Marshall calmed her down, as she was trying to force her self up(Marshall was alerted by SOS emergency dial that Kellah had pressed on her phone that acted as a torch for her that night before it fell and the battery went separate). "What happened? And how did I end up here?" She managed to utter a word. You have been unconscious for over 8 months, but how you ended up in here doesn't matter now, responded her beloved friend Marshall(who was a leader of a highly trained elite patrol team that had responded immediately after they gotten the alert message from Kellah's phone and apprehended the whole gang of the assailants). What is important is the fact that non of your bones were fractured and, and we have apprehended Mr. Maliwa(Maliwa was an evil politician and the supreme leader of the wicked gang). Maliwa! The politician, asked Kellah? O, yes, replied Marshall! That one, he is currently in highly secured detention center awaiting your recovery to bring him to justice. Hearing all what Marshall was telling her, Kellah scanned her brain like unending scroll, viewing different confrontation between Mzee Kalito(her father) and Mr. Maliwa. Paraphrasing each event at a lightening speed, she realised her family had all long been a target of Mr. Maliwa because her dad, Mzee Kalito didn't want to have his integrity for sale as he would stand for truth no matter what. He(Mzee Kalito) believed to change the whole world starts with one man of integrity and he had vowed to be truthful, a principle that he would die for. For his principle and character, Mzee Kalito had become more popular and looked upto by his community and other powerful communities, his popularity dwindled the pseudo-support that self-centered politicians had got from the communities all this while, and they had greatly lost their grip on the fraudulent systems they had built overtime in these communities.

© Geoffrey K