

I looked into the big red eyes of the black wolf in front of me. I didn't cowered away. I stood against the wolf. The wolf didn't attack, and I didn't attack back. I wanted to know if it was friend or a foe. I asked the main question I needed to know "who are you?“

"Oh you poor sweet child. Not knowing how your powers work and not having your loving siblings by your side." The wolf spoke with a tone of pity.

"You know nothing about it or me!" I said with a strong brave voice.

"Oh but I do know you. I've watched you grow. Your power comes from me. I'm one of the Ultimas who lost control. I chosen you dear child. That mark on your face shows that I claimed you." It said with voice that showed care and pity.

I sat on my knees still looking at the dark Ultima. "How did you know about my power?”

"I was the one who told you to open your fists in that fight. I could teach you and take you in as one of my own.”

I opened my fists very slowly. I looked at them with wonder. The wolf walked closer. I had my senses up. I didn't know what this dark Ultima could do. "I'll think about it... I didn't get your name, did I?”

The wolf smiled "My name is Darkest. Now sweet child you now must wake up your friends are trying to wake you."

I nodded as I looked at Darkest. I closed my eyes and opened them slowly. I was back in my room. It was a dream. Shadow had his hand on my shoulder. He stared at me. I sat up and transformed back into my human form. Xe smiled and sighed. I looked confused at the both of them. "Alright, what happened? Why did you have to wake me from a nice sleep!?" I asked annoyed that I had to be waken from something important.

"Well... you kept on talking in your sleep about something about Darkest? Me and Xe were worried that you got caught in a dream." Shadow said with a worried look.

I shook my head. "I thank you for being worried about me, but I can handle myself."

Xe nodded and Shadow stood up. Shadow reached a hand out to help me stand. I smacked it aside. I stood up on my own. There was a little black spot on the floor. I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the room door open. I suspected it was the guards to take one of us to the white room. I heard Xe yell "You'll never take me alive!" I shook my head. I knew they were being over dramatic. Then I heard a crash. They better not be destroying the room, I would kill them if they did that. After I finished in the bathroom, I opened to the door.

I looked in horror at the room. Xe was being dragged by the guards. Shadow was standing the corner and look at Xe. "What the heck! I was only in the bathroom for three minutes!" I said angrily as I grabbed my cat plush.

"You better have a good explanation for this!"

Shadow shook his head "You better ask Xe about that. He doesn't like be taken by guards."

I stared to clean "Oh he better or I will kill him." At that very moment my magic formed in my hands. I shook it off, it faded away slowly. I set my cat plush on the nightstand. Shadow looked at it. I noticed a rip on the side. I started to growl "Oh he is so dead! No one and I mean no one, messes with Cynthia." At that very moment a nurse came on in, she had a bag full of my things. She looked at the room in horror. She shook her head.

She handed me the bag and helped me with cleaning. I set the bag on the nightstand with Cynthia. I helped out. Shadow just watched not doing anything. I dragged him over and made him help clean the room. The nurse re-did my bandages and left after she was done helping. Xe was dragged back in. I ingored him coming on in. I looked through the bag. I grabbed my other plushies out of the bag and set them in my corner. I grabbed my sewing supplies and grabbed Cynthia.

Xe looked at me as I sat with my plushies. I ingored his eyes. I worked on Cynthia's rip. Shadow looked at me and Xe. After I stitched Cynthia's rip, I crossed my arms. I made eye contact with Xe. He looked at me with fear. I bet he knew what was coming. Shadow backed up. Xe looked at Shadow for help, and Shadow shook his head. Xe gulped hard and I stood up. I grabbed the bag and grabbed my dagger out of it. I rushes towards him and I put the dagger to his throat.

"You better think twice before you mess with my plushie babies. Got that!?" I yelled.

Xe nodded his head "Yes ma'am. I didn't mean to rip one of your plushies."

"If any of you two mess with my babies, you'll be dead in a second." I turned around and put my dagger in the nightstand drawer. I transformed into lynx form and layed down with all my plushies. I grabbed all of them with my paw and gave a glare at the two. I growled at them both. I turned my head away and closed my eyes. I saw Darkest again.

"I suppose you accept my offer?" She said with a confused look.

I nodded my head "please teach me."

Darkest nodded "I promise to teach you all that I know of your power. You may call me your mom. Your now one off my own." She said as she touched her wolf nose to my forehead. I let her know my scent. Her red eyes had thin bits of blue. I touched my black marking that I had ever since I was a baby. Darkest nodded and walked away. I opened my eyes. Shadow was looking at me again. I turned my head away from his gaze. I heard Xe mumble something I couldn't figure out. The room door opened again.
#Ultima #lynx #werewolf
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