

The diary.... 💫
Today she will give him that diary...
She loved the man she once hated the most through that book
"Today i will give this diary to him and say sorry"
She looked at the clock at six o'clock
It's morning but the weather was bad and she walked slowly with her umbrella
She thought only of him on the way,The diary she stole from him to a revenge,
But it changed her life unknowingly....
and asked herself "Do I like him?"
She told herself "no ""no ..."
It's raining hard ... She's walking in the heavy rain .. She knows she will never see him again .. He's going somewhere far away ....
Suddenly she cried thinking about him ... she didn't even understand why ..
She was standing near a flower shop,she don't know go forward or backward
He saw her from a distance...
She called him out loud and he pretended not to hear anything.
She saw he got into a car infront of him
Forgetting the surroundings, she sat down loudly cried in the heavy rain looked at that way the car gone,, "why....am i loved him so much?"
She hide that diary from the rain drops..
Suddenly, a grandma from that flower shop,she suddenly took her from the rain
Give a blanket and coffe for her...
"Thankyou grandma"
" It's my pleasure little girl " she said with a little smile
If you don't mind,Why are you crying in the that heavy rain middle of the road looking to that bus stop?
Are you looking for some one ma girl?
"Yes" she nodded suddenly her tears cant handle without flow, she realized that she loved him so much, everyday she try to give that diary to him, she find that he is a different person in and out, only his diary knows his pain, truth, past,everything.. She too..
Suddenly grandma pout on her shoulder, She came to reality
" please don't cry, it's ok don't want to say if that's hurts you..rain is gone, where is your house?
" 2nd street "
"Ho..i'ts near."
She wiped her tears and took her umbrella
"Thankyou grandma, thanks for everything"
Hoo.. It's ok...
" Bye"
" Ho.. Little lady... Wait!...I forgot to give you something
Someone gave it to me to give you
The grandma gave her a bouquet of flowers with a card "
And she whisper " it's a suprise from someone who loves you.."
She suddenly read the card
I love a girl who steal my diary
Can you wait for me.. Until i come ?

A warm smile come to her face and whisper"yes"


Hope you like this short story💜
Sorry, if there is any grammar mistake ..🥺
actually,I wanted to write this story as a poem, but it turned out to be a story😂🥲
I'm a lazy girl😁so there is no second part 😇

© gucci girl🤞