

Spectral Detective part 2
Growing up I had a best and only friend, Andrew, who I'd go exploring and adventuring with out in the woods beyond the field by our houses. We were neighbors in the countryside where not many people lived. There were mostly summer houses for the townies out there and Andrew's parents owned several horses they would sort of rent out, taking the townies horseback riding on local trails. I'm deathly allergic to horses and sort of terrified of the large creatures.

It was the next day after my nightmare and Andrew and I were exploring the woods walking home from school. I told him about the dream and waking up to the TV and the cat cry. "That's weird," he responded. "I know, I..." he cut me off, "You still sleep with your mommy?" he was laughing at me.. "Ohhh, shutup, you dumb jerk." I grumbled swinging a twiggy branch at him. Dodging he said, " I'm just kidding. c'mon, let's go check out the woods by the Reed's cabin." Excited for a new area to explore, I followed him running, jumping over felled trees and dodging branches. Patches and piles of snow still sat on the ground. "They won't mind us on their property?" I asked "They won't know," Andrew pushed back a branch that snapped backward towards me, "Hey! Watch out!" I shouted. "Sorry, but shush!" he whispered as we approached the Reed's back porch of their cabin. "You know how to get back from here?" I questioned quietly. "Duh, stop being a baby." I frowned and huffed at that.

The Reed's were a quiet and polite couple, their daughter was in 1st grade at our small school and was well mannered and shy. They moved here a few years before and had this small cabin built on the plot of land downhill and uproad of my house. Mr. James Phillip Reed liked to hunt and fish and would talked to my dad about it when they met at our school. Mr. Reed's wife, Cora Lynn Reed, did a lot of crafts like sewing, pottery, and other artsy things. She would volunteer at the local small recreation center. My mom and her and Andrew's mom would gather at the recreation center to socialize and plan small community events. Mrs. Reed also tried selling some of her pieces in town during festivals. I admired her craftiness and liked to create things from books myself. Sometimes it looked close to what I meant to make.

Their cabin was not too small, but not large at all. Single storied, and solid. Mr. Reed had a tanning shed, a compost, and a small greenhouse in his backyard. Mrs. Reed had a pottery studio still being built.

Andrew and I decided to sink deeper in the woods behind the cabin. "We're at war and sneaking on the enemy." Andrew spoke in hushed tone. "And you're my enemy" I whispered loudly throwing a chunk of rotted wood from an old fell tree. "Grenade!" I shouted, tired of trying to be quiet, I shrieked laughter and ran as the lump of rot burst against a standing tree. "Oh, now it IS WAR!" Andrew dropped trying to whisper and began launching large clumps of dirt and rotted wood tiwards me.
We proceeded to play war until we were both out of breath, and I had sustained a few bruises. "I think there was a rock in that last piece," I winced. "Sorry, but you started it" he shrugged. "I'm a girl! You have to play nicer than me!" I whined. "Psh, you're more like a giant baby." I stucj my tongue out too tired to come up with anything to comeback with.

Walking and exploring we decided it was getting dark and we should get home. Andrew was far in front of me. "Eww! What the heck is that!" I heard him shout. "What? I wanna see!" I ran up to where he was, and there, hanging, tangled in a fishing string, was an orange short hair tabby cat. "Aww, nooo, poor kitty" I frowned. "It's eyes are all white and sunken in," Andrew poked it with a stick, "what if it's the cat you heard last night?" he looked at me wide eyed. "No way, it looks like its been dead for days".
"I don't know... could be a ghost cat," he said mockingly. "ugh, what if it's the Reeds' and he got and got stuck?" I guessed. "But how did he get up in the tree? .. Oh, well I guess cat's can climb." Andrew thoughtbnb aloud. " And they can wander," I added, "I still dont know whose cat that could have been by my house, and I hope it doesnt get hurt."