

The Maids (Part 15)
Part 15


The king's palace

Intro: The Steward visit the king with news of the situation of the people of Northsay

STEWARD: (he bows politely) Your Majesty I bring you good news.

KING MARTIN: West, come closer and sit beside me.

STEWARD: (he bows) Your grace is immeasurable my Lord. The people are singing of your praise, they are happy to have a king like you; they can't stop dancing for the food you gave out.

KING MARTIN: That is indeed good news. Yes! And one more thing, I know you must have heard about my latest decisions. The chevaliers have loose mouth. (He smile softly).

STEWARD: (He chuckles) definitely my Lord, I heard you are sending the princess to Glamoth.

KING MARTIN: And is that a good idea?

STEWARD: well, if you have chosen to send the princess there, then it is a good idea.

KING MARTIN: Be honest.

STEWARD: Very well then, it is not the best idea. The princess will have a hard time adapting to the life of the Glamothans. They are barbarians my lord. It is more like you abandon the princess.

KING MARTIN: hmm you poured out your mind very nicely. I have not abandon the princess, I did what was right for the kingdom and maybe it is time for the Queen to realize that a female child is not a child.

STEWARD: (he coughs) hm hm

KING MARTIN: you should go to the stream and wash your throat West. You must have eaten bad food.

STEWARD: (He giggles) Then I shall take my leave, my Lord. (He bows)

KING MARTIN: Keep an eye on the people.

STEWARD: Very well your majesty.

(He bow swiftly as he walked out of the kings courtroom).