

best friends
best friends chapter 1:find a jod
once upon time there was young handsome man called scrooge.he had 23 years old and he fisnh college at 22 years old and he started to tought to start his own life. scrooge: mum i have to find a job to start my own life and marry what do you think mum? his mum: my dear scrooge you are right you have to find a job but where you will work ?
his dad: you can be a singer when you was young you was sing with a good voice.
scrooge: okay dad i will think about this.
*after scrooge went to this room*
he tought with his self
scrooge: i love singing but i am not sure i can make a good way for singing let me try to find a job.
*in the morning next day* scrooge go out early to find a job he go to many places but he can't find a job because all the jobs was full in this villge. in scrooge way to find a job . he find 2 girls and 2 boys he started to talk to them.
scrooge:hi guys my name is scrooge and you.
marinette: my name is mrinette.
nino:my name is nino.
gavin:my name is gavin .
lily:hi all my name is lily.
scrooge: so i am trying to find a job what about you guys?
lily:me too i am trying a job at the afternoon because my first job in the morning but itgive me a little money so i had to find another job.
scrooge:oh okay lily.
what about you guys.
*all of them thay me too we are trying to find a job.*
after a long hard day for lily,gvain,matinette,nino and scrooge everyone of them went to this house.
and they been talking every day.
*after a few monthes the chritmas came*🎄it was chritmas eve at (december 24 in londen).

this is the end of chapter one:find a job tell me if you like it and i will make chapeter two