

Sometimes silence is not always the best solution. You've been in lots of pain and misery. Sorrows crumbling your mind, pain stealing your joy. You watch them treat like you're nothing before them. You try as much to make them feel happy and all you get in return is rejection and hate. Will you keep quiet? They are watching your every move and all they want is to see you fall. You're hurting and bleeding, but they're laughing. You're in here praying for them but they're out there planning for you. They're using the bridge you built to cross over but they're insulting you. Will you still keep quiet?? It's high time you started speaking up. Don't ever let anyone make you feel inferior without your consent! Speak up when you get hurt, that's the use of your mouth after all. Stop keeping quiet for too long, stop letting them gain access to your weakness. Silence could help for the main time, but it kills slowly. If you die because of all the pain and hurt, no one will talk about what was kept in your heart, they'll talk about only the things that were revealed. Don't let the silence kill you, speak up!!!
#Saynotorape #stopBodyShaming #stophurtingpeople