

A Day in Life
"I don't think so, I looked in every window I could see nothing not even a single candle alight in the whole house. She has to have something right? She can't just be sitting there in the darkness waiting for us; moreover she can't possibly know we are coming for her. There is no way to know!"

" Maybe she does, maybe she got something from this letter" he reached inside his pocket and took out a folded sheet of paper.
"The one we grabbed from the blind guy's house? Is there something evident in it?"
"Not to me but it could be for a spy,god knows how these pests work"
"Even if there is something in the letter, it arrived in the morning today, what are the chances she met that blind guy today itself and knows everything about it?"
"Maybe she did and maybe she has set a trap for us to walk straight into"
There was silence.
"I don't think so; I think she is at the fest right now" the fifth man said.
"Why do you say that?"
"That's because I went through the contestant list and saw her name there. She registered for it; she is there, probably waiting for her turn to perform."
"We already have agents stationed around the area, they will report as soon as they spot her". He paused. "Okay, we will clear the house first, if we don't find her inside we will let her enjoy the evening for a while. Clear?"
All men nodded in affirmation. Phil turned to the fifth man and said "Open the door".

Ariel had always been a light sleeper not only because she was a spy but because her mother had been a light sleeper too. It was an inheritance. As soon as she heard the front door's lock click,her eyes opened,wide awake. She quietly sat upon her bed and listened, she heard footsteps. Three-four-five, around five people, she propped herself upon the bed and moved to the side drawer, she turned a knob as there was a slight sound. She looked up, the latch had given away. She stood on the bed with her feet firmly planted and reached up with her arms and caught hold of the space. She hoisted herself up, making sure to be as quiet as possible. She heard a small noise, which sounded like her staircase creaking. Someone was coming up. Once onto the roof she closed the latch as slowly as she could. It made a gasp and then everything went silent. She didn't know whether they heard it or not. She looked around; there was no one at the backside of the house. She dropped down from the roof and caught climbed down the vine which went up from the backwall to the bedroom window sill. She carefully climbed down the vine and then quietly walked all the way to the end of the street and then turned the corner into darkness.

She was walking fast, almost running. Her heart was palpitating, she felt a fear rising deep inside, she had felt it from the moment they had barged in trough her door. They can't be this quick. There was some mistake, something she was missing; she couldn't wrap her mind around it when another problem had presented itself, although it was a potential solution to her prior problem but a much graver predicament. She crossed the street and took a right on the next alley. The streets were mostly empty; she was comforted and worried at the same time, by the fact. She kept a constant watch around her but the few people she spotted rambling around tend to show no interest. She finally approached the street she was looking for, walking staright to the third house in the lane she paused. The throbbing in her heart had accelerated; she stepped and knocked the door.

" Bernie? You there? It's Ariel, open the door".

No reply.

The fear deep inside her was aching which made her tremble as she swung the door handle and the door released, inside, she coud see Bernie lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The blood was slowly spreading all around as if to engulf the room with the terror that had conspired in it. She walked up to his body and dropped down, he had several cuts on his face and arms and then a final slice to his throat. She wept quickly. They couldn't have gotten to her this quick unless they had found out the communication system of the agency; Bernard was tortured and then killed only because they thought he was a part of the whole system when all he did was to sing and entertain people on a street to earn money for his daughter's education. A soft wind blew in trough the window and hit Ariel, tears trickled down her cheek.

Will be continued.....!!

© G_write$_