

...activating young brains..
Couple of years back, I had a summer camp writing/reading classes in my community where female teenagers came to study literature.

it was pretty much a mixture of chocolate vanilla cookies meeting😄😃

Ofcourse...there's no way you can get them pay good attention just talking ..gramma and vovcabs...and no yummychops😊😉

That apart, while interracting with these young females, I observed a constant writing character trait in 70% of them.

These group kept drafting romantic and Horrific stories 🙄🙄🙄❤💖❤

One day, I bite the bullet and asked- why ya all picking interest in romance and horror at this stage in your life?

woooooohhhh....everyone burst into laughter and they are like...
"who wouldn't want to be the next Jackie Collins?"

Again, one of them boldly said-
You can be so successful in business but if your love life, marriage sucks, you are still not successful. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄

Guys, if you are on Twitter, hit me up on my page @femmesprotect.

Especially those of you into female 👭👩‍👧‍👧👫 empowerment. let's use our writing build up younger females in our society. it doesn't matter where you are located, your writing can still change lives positively. 🙏👍💖

© cruxifixio'J