

How To God's Best Friend - ep 4of7
"To be God's best friend, be God's best lover" - John Arthur.

Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength (Deut. 6:5). Don't be hesitant, sluggish and adamant. Let your love for God, make you boil for Him. You can't be God's best friend, if you don't truly love Him.

Only best friends of God love Him without limits. Don't shatter your love for God. Don't hold it back. Be open and free. Love Him more than anything else. Just love Him. Turn all your affections on Him.

Don't let other things take away your love for Him. You remember King Solomon?... He was a best friend of God, but the moment he started loving many foreign women he lost his best friendship with God.

So your deep love for God is paramount to becoming His best friend. Never despise the things of God. Never underestimate or stand against those who speak for Him. Let God and His affairs move you into action. It's a validation of your love of God and the best way to be His best friend.