

A way to success
Long ago in a well known town lived a boy called Kimmy. Kimmy was 13 and lived in a family of five. He was the middle child. Kimmy grew up wanting to become a professional rugby player. All his friends played sports,but he was not interested. Kimmy was a very shy boy. So rugby was not in his list. One day he decided to join the rugby team and was accepted in 1st team. From then he played rugby until his first injury. He started being scared and planned about quitting. The following week he went to his coach and said ,"coach I can't be part of the team any more." The coach said,"No you can't quit." Kimmy left him coach's office in tears.

Four years later he though to him self and said,"I wish I knew what I what to become when i am all grow up. Later that day he red a poem and said," I want to become a professional writer.

After writing his first poem. He continued writing and practicing how to do it the best he can. One day when he was walking down the street he met a person who was looking for a writer. Kimmy walked to the man and said," I am a writer. The man looked at him and smiled while jumping in happiness. When his first book got published by the man he met. Kimmy got married and had a baby boy named named Salum. The work that he did became part of his family and his life. From that day many publisher's what a piece of him writing.

The reason for this story is that hard work will pay it's owners if they work hard. So work hard and the reward will be big