

The Module of Learning Education Online System
"The free reading, is the Best Therapy, for, one of the Method of the Deep Work, Distraction issues, and it will, be taken periodly, depends, our efforts, to improve ourself, become, what we manifest, our success future, that we want to be...!!"

I luv do my essay writing practice, because, once of the Blues, I am stuck, for which app, that I am supposed to concentrate, while using the mobile as a remote job. A lot of options, really disturbing my concentration, and it will pending all my works, it is so, unhealthy for me.

Just like the essay, the joining, to create a completed paragraph, to generate more standard storyteller, of the writing practice, it starts, from basics, key-word, random ideas, selected sub-point, and a few element of all the process.

The Academic Writing's, is based on the Core Issues, that the author, tried to explain, using the Flexible Teachings Module, mostly, Online E- Learning System, for everyone, to access easily.

It just a small positive change, that will change the Beyond of Learning Centre Infrastructure, of Scholar Universities and College, Global Investments by New Modern Country, based in Malaysia.
© Shelly @Nicky