

Twin sister
Kayla grew suspicious of a girl who looked like her.

"Kayla" her mom yelled from upstairs

Kayla came running down the stairs to see what the yell was about

"Ma why you yelling?" She asked

"Cause your butt ain't here me the first time. I know we just moved here and I want you to know that life has its turns. And I want you to make the best of anything that comes your way" Angie said

"Ma I know. Don't start giving me these speeches" Kayla said sitting down at the table.

"OH I'm not, I'm just telling you, sweetheart," she said

"Good morning to my beautiful ladies," Jon said coming into the kitchen

"Good morning Dad. So I need some...

"OH no you don't. " Angie said

"Ma," Kayla said

"No. Where's the money I just gave you last week Kayla? That was 500 dollars" she asked

"I spent it on my hair, nails, new shows and clothes...

"See that's the problem right there. You think we just give you money to spend?" Angie asked

"Yes, ma. I save a Lil here and there" Kayla said

"And how much is that?"

"Ma. Dad hello." Kayla said trying to get her dad to step in for her

"Your mom's right. You have to start saving. You're about to be 18. Time to start being an adult" Jon said

"Okay fine." She said Getting up and leaving out for school.


Pulling up and getting out she was new here and didn't know where to go or what to Do. She entered the school going straight to the office.

"Hi I'm Kayla Stone, I just got transferred here. Trying to figure out where to go" she said to the principal

"We expected you. Here are your classes and your books will be down at the library. I'll give you a little map to show you" she said

Kayla made her way to the library got her books headed to the first class she was already let to. Walking in seeing all eyes on her.

"You must be Kayla. You can sit right here while Everyone welcomes Ms. stStoneo our class" Mrs. Wills said

Sitting down she was tapped on the shoulder

"Hey I'm Gina," she said

"Im ka...

"Kayla yes I heard," she said laughing

"You know you kind of look like this other girl that goes here. Her name is Sasha the most popular person in this school. But who cares right?" Gina said laughing

"Yeah I guess," Kayla said turning around



Walking into the cafeteria seeing how huge it is. She ain't wanna eat today so she just brings some chips and water.

"Hey Sasha," some girl said across from Kayla

Sasha walked in looking exactly like Kayla smiling and waving to everyone who called her name.
Sasha was the most talked about cheerleader there. Everybody had a crush on her. Sasha looked over at Kayla smiling but kept walking.

"Yup that's Sasha," Gina said sitting next to Kayla

"You weren't kidding when you said we look alike," Kayla said looking confused.

Kayla was the only child she wouldn't even think she had another sister at all.

"Hope it ain't no I lost my twin sister type of thing," Gina said laughing.

"You're funny," Kayla said laughing.

"So there's a game after school you should come," Gina said

"Sounds like fun. I'll come" she said eating her chips.



"Hey Kayla," Gina said running up to her

"Give me your number and I'll shoot you a text when to meet," Gina said pulling her phone out

They exchange numbers parting ways. Kayla got In the car to go home. She walked in seeing her mom on the phone and her dad gone

"Ma" Kayla whisper

Her mom pointed her finger telling her to wait.

"Yes yes, I know that. But make sure it handled" she can hear her mother say

Kayla walked upstairs to her room finding something to wear. She pulled out high-waisted shorts with a half-pink tank top, With some pink heels. Kayla's hair was already straightened down to her back. She headed downstairs but was stopped by her mother.

"No ma'am change and I mean now," she said snapping her fingers and pointing back upstairs still on the phone

"Ughh," Kayla said

Walking back upstairs Kayla changes her whole outfit to some blue Jean stretch pants and a white tank top. With some silver heels. Kayla was big on heels she had every style of heel you can name, With every color. Walking back downstairs she saw her mom finally off the phone.

"Now I can deal with this. You look like a young woman. So where are you going on a school night?" She asked

"Basketball game that starts here in a minute if you let me go," she said

"OH, no ain't no sweeping past me so fast. Don't get caught up in anything out here. And call me every hour or text me. If I don't hear from you ms. lady you know I'll be at you in 5 minutes" Angie said fixing Kayla's clothes.

"Yes ma I know," Kayla said getting annoyed

"Alright I love you," Angie said

"And I love you ma. Bye, I'll stay in touch" she said leaving out. 

Kayla pulled out her phone hitting up Gina. Gina told her to meet her at the mall first since the game didn't start until another hour. Kayla headed to the mall meeting Gina at the front.

"Hey girl," Gina said

"Hey. Look we don't know each other at all. So why don't we do that first?" Kayla asked

"Yes, that's why we are here," Gina said

Kayla took Gina as weird at first but she seems like she comes from a good place and she ain't gotten a bad vibe from Gina yet. Walking into the mall Gina met with her other friend Mariah

"This Mariah she doesn't go to the same school as us. But we've been knowing each other since diapers" Gina said

"Hey I'm Kayla," she said

"You look like...

"Sasha yea I know Gina said the same. And it's kind of creepy" Kayla said

"I mean all look too much alike, " Mariah said

"I get it can we go now," Kayla said getting irritated by it.

"Yea let's go," Gina said

Gina, Mariah, and Kayla stayed in the mall the whole hour shopping and getting to know each other more..leaving Kayla got in her car to go to the game following behind Gina. They get out seeing it packed from front to back.

"Damn. Is it always like this?" Kayla asked

"Yes girl," Gina said walking to the benches.

They sit down looking out at the field. Kayla notices Sasha out on the tracks ready to cheer.

"Hey you must be Kayla" some boy said

"Yeah that's me," she said smiling

"I Mali,k," he said giving out his hand

Malik was brown skin tall with light brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Malik," she said

"New here?" He asked

"Yeah first day today," she said

"I can tell. Don't be shy holla at me" he said getting up and going down to the field.

"Looks like you got Malik's eyes and that's not very often Malik comes up to a girl," Gina said

"And who's Malik again?" Kayla asked

"OH he plays on the basketball team," Gina said

In the next two hours, the school won by 3. Leaving out and going straight home she was tired but had fun today. Walking in seeing her father on the couch.

"Hey sweetpea you have fun," he asked

"Yea. There's this girl at my school who looks just like me and it's very creepy I think people starting to notice and mind you it's just my first day" Kayla said Walking upstairs

Jon ain't say nothing just watched Kayla go upstairs. He got up off the couch and went into the bedroom where Angie was.

"Did you ever find out where Layla was located after you gave birth to her?" Jon asked

"No, we couldn't know anyway if we could. Why?" Angie said

"Kayla saying there's a girl at her school that looks just like her," Jon said

"OH no," Angie said looking shocked

© Myesha O