

powerLess Power
Energy taken so unwilling fully,as you realise that it reversed itself ...Then,amongst our "society" we proceeded in using it sparingly, to then hopefully become the unappreciated villain that never, to their demise...Become's the hero anyway!???!!.
Proves the truth of the words..."what should be, will be"!!.
So many time's I've wondered, how I'm even still alive, and kicking??!?When I suddenly, completely by chance somehow for good, let go of the other, overtaking side of me...that never did or never probably will ever be even slightly bothered!!.
If I was the hero... well... I would never on my own, be able to decide on my selected human super power... I'll sit there relentlessly, Hour after hour...So urgently will set out to find someone that can help me out of this dellema...Sadly, I've figured that normally illd just sit up, and pray,Now... These day's...I no longer depend on our so called Heavenly "Father". Illd honestly, join a cult rather!!.
Molecules... Kilojoules... Daily routine... Similar to crafting, then redesigning... Finally breaking the rule'...(s)!!.
"What you give in life, is what you will get in life"...Your destiny happens to most definitely happen at the right time aswell, may I add!!...An individuals Destiny, was given a set formation too blindly, be able too see from a whole... out of this World... Disorientated Dimension...
Seemed, at the time... So impossibly, Possible!!.
The misconception, of not being good enough...Leave's you with no inner confidence, then too place that cherry on top...feeling from now, probably until forever...Down right miserable!!.
View that glass half full, not half empty!!..With a positive mindset, that alone will effortlessly result in your life being, or hopefully atleast will be becoming way less horrible!!...
Wanting to be needed...Needed to be wanted...No longer wanting...But, now needing too suddenly love uncontrollably.
Holding on to the smallest fact, simply believed them... When they once said that you are all they ever wanted!??!!... Then too add to this organised chaos .Then ... Once again, you realize with tears burning the rims of your eyes, That once again it was all to good to be true!!.
The only joy and honour you got out of everything is that it's better too just forget , and consider yourself forgiven.
Recall then replace a certain time in your life that filled you once with honour and grace...
That specific time when you didn't need to fake or force a smile apon your face!?? Hopefully through that situation, you managed to get to know, and cherish that innermost place where is no such thing as age or race ... Where every decision can happen at its own pace.
Everything happens for a reason, that's what people say!!!??.The others... well I rather not mention!!.
Why does every detail of a person's life never add up??you can either be a disgusting excuse of a human or be exceptionally outstanding...not to keep your nose so high in the air to end up lonely!!.Then comes the realisation that each individual is actually indeed actually their own biggest enemy!!
Sometimes we feel so scared, and alone ...your soft murmurs and laughing eyes glisten around the room.We sometimes also dearly miss what we can't get back... Nothing worse than that!!We must accept the fact that it is the way it is ... an alchemist even at one point was finished?!!!.
Faking it until you make it, actually factually...snapping and breaking it.
Carry on being stubborn and deceitful as you piece by piece break off then throw away the dream of becoming someone worth living ... Whatever comes your way deal with it Today Then the rest won't seem so bad or seem like it will never go away!!
power is only up to you ...don't let it overpower you, use it for good!!!
powerless power....gain it .... you should!!!
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