

The verger
Mr Foreman owned ten shops in different parts of London All the shops sold the same things-cigars, cigarettes, tobacco and pipes. The shops were always very busy and Mr Foreman was a rich man.

But he had not always been rich Albert Foreman's parents had been very poor They did not have enough money to send Albert to school. Albert started work at the age of ten. He was a servant in the house of a rich family. He was young and he did all the dirty work.

Albert was a hard worker. He grew older and was given more important jobs. Albert was always clean and tidy. He was well-dressed and looked respectable. At the age of twenty, Albert Foreman was the head servant in the house of a rich man..

Albert married at the age of twenty-two. His wife was also a working woman. She had been a servant in the same house as Albert.

Then Albert got a new job. He became the verger of St Peter's Church. St Peter's was in Neville Square, in the centre of the richest part of London. Rich and important people lived in the houses nearby. They were taken to St Peter's as babies and given names. They were married in St Peter's and they were buried near St Peter's when they died .

The verger was present at all these important times. He stood near the door wearing a long black robe. Also, he kept the church clean and tidy.

The people at St Peter's were pleased with Mr Foreman. He worked the for sixteen years. During this time, there was no trouble. The old vice liked and trusted Mr Foreman He knew that Albert was not able to read or write.

But this did not matter. Albert Foreman looked importan and respectable and he kept the church clean. That was enough But in life nothing lasts forever The vicar grew older At last, he was no
longer able to do the work He had to leave St Peter's and go and live in
the country. A new vicar came to St Peter's. He was young and wanted
to change many things.

Mr Foreman did not like the new vicar, but he obeyed him. Mr Foreman did things the new way.

'Don't walk like that said the new vicar. Walk like this

Don't stand like that, said the new vicar 'Stand like this.

Albert Foreman had to change everything. But there was one thing which did not change Albert was not able to read or write. At last, the new vicar heard about this.

One day after an important wedding, the young vicar spoke to Albert.
How long have you been verger at St Peter's? he asked.

Sixteen years, sir, replied Albert

You have been verger for sixteen years, said the vicar, and you cannot read or write??

That's true replied Albert. 1 was born into a poor family. My parents weren't able to send me to school I never learnt to read or to write But this is an important church, said the vicar. The verger of St Peter's must be able to read and write

You've asked me to change many things replied Albert. I've done my best to please you. But I can't learn to read and write. I'm getting older now. It's too late for me to learn such things.

You must learn to read and write, said the vicar, or you cannot be venger an St Peter's.

Albert Foreman was a proud man. He had tried to please the new vicar He had done enough

'1'1l leave at the end of this month.' Albert told the vicar. You must find
a new verger Find another man and I'll teach him his job. "

Albert said good night politely and left the church He was not angry but he felt sad. He started to walk home.

What will my wife say? Albert asked himself. She'll be angry and worried I must find a new job, but it won't be easy

Albert did not smoke much, but now he wanted a cigarette.

I must buy a packet of cigarettes, he said to himself. I'll smoke a

cigarette and I'll feel better Albert started to look for a cigarette shop. He turned into a long street where there were many shops. There were bakers' shops and butchers shops. There were shoe shops and hat shops. But there were no shops which sold tobacco or cigarettes.

Albert walked all the way home but he did not find a cigarette shop.

Tve lost my job, he told his wife when he got home.

You've lost your job!' she said in surprise. Why?

The new vicar wants a verger who can read and write, replied Albert. 'But what are you going to do asked Albert's wife. 'You're over forty now You won't find a new job easily."

Tve an idea, said Albert On my way home, I wanted to smoke a cigarette, but there wasn't a cigarette shop. How many other people have wanted a cigarette in this part of London?"

A lot of people, replied his wife

And they can't buy them here," said Albert Now, how much money
have we saved?"

Albert and his wife had always been careful They had saved up a little money every week.

We have enough, said Albert, when they had counted the money Enough for what?" asked his wife

To open a cigarette shop. Albert replied At the end of the month, Albert Foreman left St Peter's forever He opened a shop and sold cigarettes

Many people came into his shop because it was the only one in the street He began to sell other things. But they were all things for smokers He sold tobacco for pipes He sold cigars and matches. And every week the shop became busier

After a year. Albert's shop was making a lot of money. Then Albert had another idea

Why don't we open another shop?" he said to his wife His wife agreed with him.

Albert Foreman walked round London At last he found a long, busy street with no cigarette shop. Albert opened another shop in that street A young man worked in the shop for hum The shop soon became very busy.

Albert did the same thing again and again. After ten years, he owned
ten cigarette shops All of them were very busy and every week Albert
put more and more money into the bank.

When Albert was in the bank one day, a bank clerk spoke to him. Excuse me. Mr Foreman, said the clerk The manager wants to speak with you. see him?

Of course replied Albert and he went into the manager's office

The manager wanted to talk to Albert about his money

'You have a lot of money in the bank now said the manager.

Yes, I know, replied Albert It's safe in the bank I don't need the money The money is safer here.

Of course your money is safe in our bank. said the manager. But a bank doesn't pay much interest You can buy shares in business and make more money.

1 don't know anything about things like that replied Albert 111 need help.

But I help you, said the manager.

The manager gave Mr Foreman a piece of paper with lots of writing on it.

'You must sign here," said the manager. Then I can do everything else
for you .

Albert picked up a pen and put a large cross at the bottom of the paper .But why have you made this mark?' asked the manager "Why didny you sign it with your name?"

Because I can't read or write, replied Albert simply.

The manager sat back in his seat. You're a rich man, Mr Foreman,' said the manager 'And yet you cannot
read or write. If you could read and write, you would be a millionaire
Alben Foreman laughed Inadh. The manager looked surprised .

Iam nich because I cannot read or write said Albert smiling .'If I could read and write, I would be poor would still be verger at St. Peter's Church in Neville square. '

#Tarranum# best story#