

He was different...
I dressed up, applied a little makeup on my face, and headed to his house. This was not the first time I would be visiting a man's house, and I wasn't sure it would be the Last (although I wished it would). I was tired of living like this. Not that I was not married or that I was a widow; I just don't know why I always feel so lonely and empty inside.
On most days I try to fill up this void in my heart by sleeping with my many lovers, while on some days, I just lock myself up in my room and cry because of how miserable my life was daily turning out to be. The more I try to get satisfaction, the more empty I feel. the more I tried to be happy, the sadder I became. Life was worthless to me, and I wonder why I was born...

On this particular day, I went to his house to do the usual, but today was different...we were caught red handed! I knew that today would be my end, and there was no way I could escape judgement. Death was waiting for me. I was going to die a gruesome death, I would be stoned to death! All my years of enjoying pleasure, I never for one day, thought that I would die this way. well, did it matter now? my life was already miserable.
" shameless woman!" I heard someone say, as I was being dragged out like a piece of rag. many threw curse words at me , I was being spat on, i could see some religious leaders stare at me in disgust, like I was a pile of shit that needed to be done away with. I couldn't bear to look at people's faces as one by one, they picked up stones ready to pass judgement. I didn't try to fight back or run away, I deserved Judgement...
I did one last thing... I shot my eyes as tight as I could and waited for the first stone to be thrown at me. I could feel the mob getting ready to take action, when all of a sudden..."Wait!" I heard someone say and everyone stopped. I raised my head a little to catch a view of this person.. It was one of the Pharisees " Wait!" he said again to be sure he's got everyone's attention. " Before we do anything, there's someone I would like us to meet... I'm sure you all know him. He is a teacher and many say he is a good person. I believe I, and some of my collegues and teachers of the law here have a few questions for him as regards this matter... "
and with that, he led everyone and they all marched and I was being dragged along to see this "Teacher".

We soon arrived the Temple. on entering the Temple..." Teacher! " they called out to the man who sat and was teaching a group of people. "Teacher!" they called again as they pushed me to the front of the crowd the man was teaching. " Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery..." I could hear murmuring from the crowd, but I could not dare raise my head to see the reactions on their faces." ...according to the law of Moses, she deserves to be stoned. What do you say should be done to her? " There was pin drop silence... this was a trickery question. I tilted my head a little upwards, to see his reaction, but I was shocked at what I saw... the teacher stooped down and began writing in the dust with his finger! I wasn't expecting this calm response from him, and I guessed this made the Pharisees uneasy. Everyone was waiting for a response from him, but he kept writing in the dust, undisturbed.
" Teacher," they called again, " The law of Moses says she should be stoned, what do you say? " They asked again. but the teacher still did not make any reply. They were getting impatient, ready to take action, but the teacher didn't seem like he was ready to pass judgement.
"Teacher!" they called again, this time impatiently. "All right! " He finally replied" ...but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"
His response sent shock waves to everyone present. no one was expecting that! " who is this man?" I kept asking myself. shivering in fear, I looked up, and through my messy hair that had already covered my face, I saw him writing in the dust again!
"gbom!" someone dropped his stone and stylishly walked away. another followed, and then another, and even the Pharisees and the scribes dropped their stones too and left angrily! soon not one of them was left!
Soon everywhere was silent. The teacher sat up, looking around he asked, " woman, where are your accusers? is there not even one remaining to condemn you? " I looked around as tears trickled down my face, I couldn't find any of my accusers. I replied with cracking voice, "No Lord..." I said, "...Not even one".
Then he said, " Neither will I condemn you... " I looked up, to fully see his face. His words were sincere, and his face was calm. He looked me in the eye ,"Go!" he said "and sin no more".
This had just received mercy! me? I never deserved this, but he showed me mercy, and gave me a clean slate to start a new life! me? I went weeping all the way back home as I couldn't fathom why he would choose to consider a whore like me, worthy of Mercy." Never will I go back to my old life..."I said to myself, "Never!"

#The adulterous woman
#Bible story

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