

I won't call it a night
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from The Night Slowly Came by Kate Chopin:

I am losing my interest in human beings; in the significance of their lives and their actions. Someone has said it is better to study one man than ten books. I want neither books nor men; they make me suffer…
Yes we can start losing interest in the things around us and sometimes in human beings. Yes and this can be as a result of many reasons we came through in the past, or we are going through in the present. I'm not in agreement with the author in this case. Rather I would like to go through the aspects in which we can overturn under such circumstances to our advantage and start moving through in life simply like
nothing happened...
According to the author and the excerpt in this case it is most likely in our teens and in our adulthood.
Because during childhood we cannot go through such situations and so this stage of our life cannot be a time when we are going through this in our life. Now because we have a clear picture of when it is happening that we are able to dive into the story. This can be the case with anyone. Anyone irrespective of gender can go through such situations in life. Gender is not a limiting factor in such circumstances. This isn't about growing up or biological. Here it is very likely that we are confronted with a situation outside us like think of a work place, a school or something of that nature like a community environment. In a community everyone is considered to be an adult irrespective of their age. Whether you are too young or too old in a community you're expected to give in a community than expect from a community. There are no role models in a community, we ourselves are our own role models. We don't have time for learning in a community. We do and start learning in the process. Here are different people of different gender, age and background. So we cannot expect everyone to be of the same level of knowledge or intelligence. We grow the community and thereby grow ourselves. A community can be a place where many people come together with a single purpose of doing and learning. It can be a place where people come together to learn to write or experienced writers join together to write a book or about something. Unless we participate we will lose interest in what we're doing, so if you don't find it interesting the first thing you can do is to leave that place or quit before you start feeling you are unwelcome in a place. Go to places where you're much more comfortable with everyone around you.
Instead of trying to be someone else in an alien place we need to be our own. We can look at different reasons for someone getting into a bad and ugly situation. Let's remember it is never ugly anywhere. People don't just attract others because of their face. Most of the time it is the outgoing nature of people that you are attracted or rejected. We need to develop a life of self-worth as we are growing. All people don't get the chance to grow to their full potential. Some people who is a getaway to grow up in better environments, well don't get to keep to the standard till the end. So we can conclude by saying that everyone is getting equal opportunity at least in a fraction of people in the world. When we're faced with challenges we have to look into ourselves rather than trying to find out who has the cause for our present bad situation. When we can get over our challenges we are considered to be role models and leaders. The excerpt is very clear in expressing without stating it that we must look into ourselves rather than to look in someone else to be the reason for our past or present failures. The author also tries to share some of her experience before arriving at the truth. Things like what we learned from our teachers in school, to colleagues in the workplace and the friends with whom we have spent the most time with.
When we can find no one else to blame we try to look into ourselves., everything that has happened in one's life and the experience we get from it becomes the best tool for survival. When we can control and direct our feelings and thoughts we begin to conquer fear, hopelessness and helplessness. Life is so complex that we come face to face with so many situations every day. It challenges us to give our best. We need to get the hang of it.
Once we start feeling comfortable with ourselves we start feeling comfortable with others, in love and in life we need to give something in order to receive back something. Getting into bad habits like complaining, cursing or self harm can come in the way to begin the healing. Let me delve deeper into a time we call as adolescence a stage in life between childhood and adulthood. This is the time we come across all the changes happening to us from bodily changes to changes in our way of thinking This stage is going to decide our immediate future of what we are going to be in adulthood. Being careful during this time is very important for the rest of our lives at least unto age 40. Starting from age 40 the process of aging starts from our eyesight becoming duller and aging begins to show up outwardly. Being healthy now is going to challenge us for the next 10 to 20 years. After 65 most of us become what we were until now to the rest of our life.
Yes it true that people make you suffer because they themselves don't have the answers to your problems. A book you might want to read looking for some help won't give you the answers. You might have to go through so many things before that. It can be frustrating. Time can be a constraint, money can be another problem adding up to your already problem. A relation with a friend or employer can turn sore. The actual reason is you don't have the answer to your own problem then they can think how you can, might expect it from them. Let say a scientist is working on an experiment. Will it be proper if he gets frustrated if he doesn't have all the solutions to the problems in the experiment? Or will it be right for him to blame someone else for giving him the answers to the challenges he is facing in the experiment? His boss can become irritated about him. He might be slow in his work. It is for this person who is being challenged to change things fast and get in the mainstream.
J. K. Rowling wanted to commit suicide because she lost everything, and she felt there was no life for her in the future. I'm just going to bring up a few things about J. K. Rowling which can be the motivation and inspiration for others. Firstly, as the name suggests it is a real name it is her pen name. Her real name is Joanne. She wrote Harry Potter under her pen name because she felt that if people knew that her to be a female they would not read her book. Because the book is a fantasy novel about magic, starting with to write using a pen name she was faced with real challenges the world could throw on her. As a reason she had to write under a pen name and no one knew it until she became rich that she was a woman. As captured in films that portrays an eloquent and lavish lifestyle. In reality J.K. Rowling wasn't rich at the time when she started to write her first book. She lived in posh England and she and her baby started feeling they could not afford one meal for them. At this time like a weak person she wanted to end their lives. She invented the story Harry Potter, and she wanted to write it, but she did not have the means or resources to write it. She was depressed, she was annoyed, and she had all signs of a mentally ill patient. Likewise, she didn't have a husband and soon her mother also passed away. Furthermore, she was alone and depressed. Not only that, but she had an estranged father who she did not like or had little love. Not only that, but she was complaining like all children. Like she said it in her own words. Quote, “There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.” For her the main problems she faced were about her family and her immediate family. But, she came up bravely as a man to face her challenges squarely as a wrestler in a wrestling match to defeat his opponent. But, she had to face her everyday challenges as a woman as an individual and as a young single mother with her three-year-old daughter. Later she said she loved her daughter so much she decided to do something with her life. She finished her first book in the Harry Potter series and sent it for publishing. People liked the novel, and it soon became a running success, and she was given the opportunity to complete the series, and she received offers to make it as a movie. It's not how big the problem is. When David faced Goliath to fight
the Philistines, everyone feared to face the Philistines because of Goliath. David challenged Goliath and got victory for his king and he was rewarded with a kingdom for his courage and bravery and became king. The bigger the challenge the sweeter the victory. I started out how to build character and came up with two classics to show to you how to solve a problem or win in a challenging situation. I want to show to you, we can face any challenge that is posed to us. Whether you're a man or woman you can win the situation without giving up. To complain is of the weak. Nobody is born with all that is necessary to face the challenges we're faced with. We learn and we grow. We teach others what we have learned so that can help them. But, that is not all enough for everyone to lead a happy life. We evolve and the moment we stop to evolve we start to face challenges that can cripple us or make us better human beings. We need to live in the present and create a better future than to live in the past. The past is full of experiences to teach us how to live in the present. Having half covered I want to take up the next topic how we can create an environment for all to live. For that I would need to talk about the most challenging topic of the day about climate and how it can affect everything around us if we don't do something about it. Also, will be sharing some thoughts on how nuclear disarmament is important to us in the present. I'm not going to talk about politics, but there may be some overlaps and that is for teaching you about our next topic on climate.
Biology teaches us that how climate change has affected in the Charles Darwin evolution theory. How the fittest have survived adapting to changes. Survival of the fittest has not been so important now than a few centuries before. For us humans how important is this theory relevant today? There was the industrial revolution which introduced mechanization to the human race. Since then, we're now in the digital revolution. Computers, phones and communication has become faster and cheaper than a few decades before. This has also posed constantly a threat to us besides the many benefits it has given to us. A doctor or an architect can sit in one part of the globe and via computers along with a group of similar people they are able to provide solutions in another part of the world. Just as someone said the world is shrinking. In turn this had added other problems that threaten us like isolation, loneliness, etc. We see more divorce papers filed in the courts today than other things. We see more and families separated because it has fast and easy to get a divorce than it can bring families together. Each and every individual now has to be physically and mentally strong. Just a fraction or less than a fraction of the population enjoy the benefits and luxury of this. The vast majority suffer. Prices keep increasing and poverty at the other end keeps growing in higher proportions. We need to fast check how we can survive in such an aggressive and ever-growing world. Those who are successful are those like every one of us. No one has been created inferior to another. This we need to understand that each of us capable of pulling this wheel, and we will start seeing better results. It's the good vibes around us to create wealthy, healthy and stronger individuals. Unfortunately we talk about it and fail to see it around us because we don't do it in ourselves. It's no big surprise we fail to see in others, because we fail to see in ourselves to begin. We count us out and expect others to do it for us. If we see everything around us as poetry we will start liking. In fact this universe is a poetry. The nights and days, the moon, the sun, the stars, the land, the rivers, the oceans, the hills and the mountains everything around us is a poetry. People of all ages if they get a chance they would like to listen to a poem or poetry. Poems soothe a soul. It nourishes it like sun nourishes everything under it. So it is my suggestion if you get a chance to listen to a poem or poetry in your own language. Even a dying person would love to listen to a poetry in his deathbed. When your alive read some good poems and tell it at a party or function. Poetry is nourishing words to your ears. Just as songs will calm you when you're agitated, poetry will calm you in your good times. To lead a healthy lifestyle is important to prepare us for anything. We need fresh air once in a way to breathe. It can be going out on a picnic or vacation with your family or friends. Expect in others what you expect from yourselves. So it is not wrong if you expect to have good friends because when you have people around just like you can discuss matters of similar interests. We don't know when we will be challenged. In the present world just like a sudden outbreak of war we need to be prepared by building up daily with small changes like exercising, going out for a walk, taking your dog out for a walk. Everything overtime will add up in the future. We must not let our present circumstances or dilutions to come to a conclusion as to who we are. Each of us is bestowed with gifts and talents we can for better with and also change the lives of others around us. Unless or until you can see it in yourself you can't see it in others. Nothing is impossible. All we need is a heart to fail or succeed. Just as Albert Einstein said we don't even use 10 percent of our intelligence. Just as that don't expect it for someone to do your work or go through your difficulties. All of us have to face our challenges as individuals. In the end we must hope for the best. If you fail the first time, don't give up. Like most of us give up the first time we fail and Albert Einstein is right in what he said. We live as atoms around a nucleus. Just like anybody I too have been faced with challenges. It is the case with you too. Before April 1954 people thought that it was impossible to run a mile under 4 minutes., but Roger Banister came and shown that it can be broken and ran a mile in less than 4 minutes. Since then more than 20,000 people have done it ran a mile under 4 minutes, including high school kids. So whatever your dreams it's possible. So technology with it has brought with it, its own disadvantages to humans. With increased industrialization we have seen continued rise in global temperatures to our disadvantage. Like tsunamis and other natural disasters which continues to take its toll. When we are healthy we will be better equipped to face these challenges and for this individually everyone must make an effort to bring change. Not one individually or a single nation will be capable of bringing this change. But, each individual by contributing it's possible to see the desired changes. It would be wrong to waste our time or someone else for our problems. But, if we don't do anything collectively together that is going to give each of us more problems in the future. We know as a nation how Japan has survived after two cities were burned down. They have rebuilt it entirely. But, we must make sure and not let it happen again. We know the stories of how they are trying to cope with the difficulties it has caused to them even after 75 years. But, the good news is they are coming up with new things they are bringing to this world. Just a fraction of what the rest of the world can learn from them resilience, patience and perseverance. We are seeing the wars going on in the Middle East for dominance and superiority in the regions threatening our own survival including men, women and children running for safety. We need to do the best. If we're unable or see that we are not the cause for these troubles, we should at least as individuals try to do better when we're better placed than them. Everyday crimes is not an isolated problem to one country or region. It is an everyday problem everywhere. We have to set for ourselves high standards for others to emulate. We must stop thinking we are better than other nations outside us. The world is shrinking every day and the challenges coming along are many. We can do it collectively by supporting each other from our own place. Weeds don't need support or sunshine. They can grow out from the cracks of a footpath. But, growing up as healthy human beings we can help by clearing them up. Man has stockpiled more weapons in a year than he has harvested more crops in a year. To grow up as a good and healthy human being it takes time. Remember even a stopped clock shows the correct time two times in a day. So how much more worth are you than a clock. My arguments may not sound good enough to people suffering from illness in Africa or refugees from the Middle East. But this is enough if you achieve the goals as an individual and in your community.
Here I may be contradicting with the excerpt. The author can have arguments of her own, but the two statements in the excerpt sheds some light that I'm in agreement with the author. I'm uncertain about the faith and beliefs of the author and haven't done any research as to throw some light on the author. To me it's enough to only go by the excerpt at its face value. The author concludes by saying that both books and men make her suffer, and she has no faith in men and humans as a whole because of their lives touched in the starting. The title of the book suggests me that she finally started to see the light missing in her life. Here I want to conclude by saying that I haven't read the book. But, going by the title of the book and the excerpt this has become a notable excerpt in the book. It begs me question as to where from the book suggests that night was slowly came by if it wasn't from human beings or from books? I wish to answer this question by suggesting that this ray of hope and light came from nature instead of from books or humans. Where was this nature from if not from the place we live in this earth. Again the excerpt give any clue of anything outside from the universe. It was from the sun, moon and the stars. Now after all that searching the author finds some hope and finds a good reason for her life and could end up and bringing more souls to find hope and salvation from despair, failures and a lack of motivation. I'm still in the discussion or speaking to the writer of this book. I may tend to lack motivation or inspiration to comment. But, from a standpoint of discussing this excerpt I mean threadbare might be wrong. But, definitely I have some good points to show from discussing this topic. I wish to leave it to the readers to comment on my opinions and suggestions in this discussion because they are the best people to judge. Your judgment will be final, and I will try to do better in the future. Wherever you find me going away from the topic please point it out so that I can correct my mistakes or tell me how to improve upon writing this excerpt. Lastly, I wish to thank all my readers for patiently going through till end. I welcome your suggestions to improve upon my excerpt writing. After coming to the end I have one last wish to make and do not consider anything will go waste. Oysters too take sometime for pearls.