

Jumbo safe The day (part 1)
Outside the playroom window inside an old Flower pot , live Three Pixies called Briar ,Berry and Buttercup. The pixies only came at night and left in the morning. they play with toys All Night. the buttercup was smaller from their Brothers (Briar ,Berry) she was loved by them. She love all the toys expect of the BIG Jumbo (elephant). once she set on the jumbo and she fell down so she was frightened from him. Jumbo was very big and clumsy. Toys belong to 2 children called army and Andrew. one day the children Uncle give them two pairs of roller skates . after that day They forgot about the Toys and toys was very upset.BUT there was also happy because the pixies came at night and play with them . One day berry and Briar game from Window and they were look like they were in great hurry Berry said to toys that.....

# second part will came soon
#hope you like this part
#My first story
© Candy girl