

Dying Without Her
Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? If you think something should be written about the question, go ahead and do so.

Sometimes I feel like some days I'm afraid to die but it's inevitable. Death is the only sure thing we all know we are going to face once our time here on Earth is over. Someone I knew died once and came back. He was a quiet man. He was also a retired veteran, so his dying and coming back experience was very creditable. He wasn't the kind of man that would go on and exaggerate. I asked him what was it like to die, what did he see, and what did he feel. He told me that he was all alone in a blue sky so beautiful. It was a blue he had never seen here on Earth. I asked him was he afraid being alone and he said no. He said he just felt so peaceful and happy. Then to my surprise he said he was so dang mad when they brought him back to life. Hearing this made me laugh, a bittersweet laugh though. He told me when he passes not to be so sad because he knows where he's going and he's gonna be happy there. With all that in mind, I feel like I'm more afraid of the idea of missing out on the lives of the ones I love. You know when you're young, you got a care not one. You could be in a car and the driver speeding and not even think to say slow down. It's like you just go with the flow. As you get older, or as I have gotten older, I realized that things are different. Maybe it's because I am a mother of one beautiful daughter. Unfortunately, I do not have custody, her father and I couldn't get along. He doesn't let me see her even though I am entitled to see her. I love and miss her so much more than anything. She was all I ever had that gave me meaning. All I can think about is making it to the day we are together again. Even riding with someone who is speeding I tell them to slow it down because all I can think of is, "I can't die without seeing her again first". It may sound crazy but that is truly the first thought that comes to my head. I try to live as safe as I can... not because I'm afraid of dying but because I'm afraid to die without letting my daughter know she is so much very loved by me. She would be my only reason I'd be afraid to die today, so I live for her.
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