

All that Glitters...
You are 3 months pregnant, Mrs Davis,
Doctor knight said
I stared at the screen to see my little boy or girl with a distant look, I waited for the information to get a reaction out of me, but I felt nothing close to excitement nor sadness.
Mrs Davis, doctor knight called,
I looked up at her with a forced smile, Doctor knight has been my family doctor for years now, she is the only one Will trust me with.
Everything will be fine' she clasped her hand with mine in assurance,
the nurse will take you on for your check up basis, she said while holding my gaze,
I stared at her with watery eyes as the memories resurfaced,
I nod my head in understanding as I placed my hand on my little bump protectively.
I stood up and said my goodbye to doctor Knight, as I walked past the lobby, I got looks from the nurses, looks of pity and sympathy, All the nurses here knew me, I have been a regular patient in this hospital for almost 2 years now.
I walked into the restroom, luckily for me it was empty, I stood in front of the large mirror, set down my purse to splash my face with water, I raised my head up to look at the mirror, no longer is the lady I was 5 years ago, I cannot even find any traces of myself in the lady I am seeing in the mirror. I was a very agile lady, I always have this smile on my face even though my parents were not really well off, I was the only child so I have everything my parents could afford, we made a beautiful home out of our three bedroom flat, I was in my final year in the university of when my parents passed away, their death really affected me that I almost drop out of school if not for my best friend and her family.
Tears stream down my face in reminiscence, I look through my purse for handkerchief to dab my face with, at the same time my phone rings, on seeing the caller i swiped to receive the call,
'Beth is everything ok, she blared out of the receiver,
I'm fine', I replied not knowing whom I'm assuring, my self or Gina, my best friend.
' are you sure, you know I could come and pick you up, Gina said
' I'm three months in, I said , I knew what Gina wanted to hear, i promised to call her immediately I see Dr knight so as to stop her from coming with me.
' are you alright, she asked with concern,
Typical Gina, she is the only one that could see through me,
'I don't know Gina, I said as tears stream down my face rapidly,
'You will be fine Beth, Everything will be okay, I'm sure your child is happy with your decision, please Beth, do this for your child and yourself, you know I care for you, right? Gina said
'i know, it's just that I'm scared, what if he...
'He can't, Gina interrupted protectively
'Mum and Dad are expecting you beth Gina said hitting somewhere
'Ok, I will be there in a jiffy, I said with a smile
'Alright, be safe, I love you, Gina said
' I love you too, I replied as the call ended.

A light gentle wind kissed my face as I stepped out of the hospital building,
I hailed a cab and got into it,
'Jombo Maxway', I said to the driver
'Ok', the driver nodded
The car raced down the busy road of Jos ,
Fascinated by the crowdy sight, I rolled down the car window,
A much more familiar music blared out of the car's loudspeaker.
Memories flooded me, taking me 5 years back.
When I met William, my to be ex husband,
William was a PhD student in Accountancy when I met him 5years ago, He was so kind to me and gave me his full attention, he was lovely man, he has a very influential family background, which came as a plus for me, we did friends for 2 months after we met and we proceeded into been lovers.
He was very attentive and cheerful, we had so many things in common, he proposed to me immediately I finished my corps service in a 5 star restaurant with the same music blaring out of the car's loudspeaker, I accepted and we got married 4 months after.
His parents lived abroad so I never had any issue with his family, I only saw them twice; at my engagement and wedding party.
William own a company so money had never been a problem, I worked as a chef at an Italian restaurant, an hour drive from our place, we had a very peaceful marriage for 2 years.
The problem started when I got pregnant after 2 years of marriage, I got home that day excitedly, I prepared his favourite dish, prepared his bath, I dressed up for him but all of it went in drain;
'I have a good news will, I said happily after we finished having dinner
' ok, he urged
' I am pregnant will, we are having a baby!, I said with excitement
'You are pregnant? He asked nonchalantly
' Yes will, is there something wrong? I asked while staring at him
'of course, Beth, everything is wrong!, He growled
'What's wrong?, I thought you'd be glad, I said with tears brimming my eyes
' Happy? I never wanted a baby!
He raged out.
' Are you sure the baby is mine, Will said, giving me a disgusting look.
' Will, that's out of it, how dare you say that!, I bursted out angrily
Whap, Will slapped me hard on the face,
' Don't you ever talk to me like that, you wench, he spat and walked away.
I broke down to tears and kept wondering what came over Will.
After my first trimester, Will and I had an argument which gave me severe beating from Will, I had a miscarriage.
Things began to turn sour in my marriage, Will would come home late at night, drunk with smeared lipstick on his shirt, throwing it to my face that he had been with a lady.
5 months later I got pregnant again, Will was angry again, he would beat me every night, I ended up in coma in the very hospital of Doctor knight, luckily I did not have miscarriage.
4 years into the marriage, I started getting worried of Will's attitude, I contacted his parents, and told them about Will, they gave me the shocking news that led into the miscarriage of my second child, Will's parents told me that Will was adopted by them, they took care of him, but Will was just like a stranger to them because he never let anyone in.
I sought out Gina's advice, she was sad for all I've been through.
One fateful Afternoon, Will came home with a disturbed look on, He did not beat me that night, he just kept to himself, at midnight, Will woke me up, beat and harassed me telling me he love me that I shouldn't even think of leaving him.
I contacted Gina, the morning after, she cried with me and assured me I will be ok.
Gina with her parents started making process to divorce my prince charming turned demon husband.
Weeks later, the court granted me divorce from Will.
Will vanished like air after the court order, He disappeared without knowing he have a child coming, a child he never wanted.
tears stream down my face in pain and ache, because I thought Will was my prince charming sent to me by my parents.
I thought we clicked.
Rain started pouring out harshly on the busy street as the car raced down with speed, splahing water everywhere,
probably the longest journey I have ever had, with the music in the background.
' You are a sunshine
That shine through my shadow
I love the memories
That perks through with you'
© Amotulrosheed 🌹