

FINAL Who I'm I?
The Doorbell rings, and Kaden rushes down the stairs to find Carlos at the door.
Carlos: Come kaden, it is urgent kaden, and Carlo leaves. In the car, kaden: what's going on, like what is the emergency. Is the Queen ok?
Carlo rolls the window projector up. And keeps driving to the kingdom.
They arrive, and the Commander grabs Kaden's arm, carries him inside the domain.
Queen: First, you were born, and second you are keeping secrets, and now you have fifteen different names.
Kaden: What are you talking about?
Queen: Read this!
Kaden picks up the paper.
Kaden: Keshawn Alexander Jones Born on Nov.10 at 12 pm
Queen: next!
Kaden: Alex Kevin Smith Born on Nov. 15 at 1 pm
Queen: What is your name!?!?
Kaden: How did you get this?
Queen: Your friend!
Kaden: My friend? I didn't...
Tristen walks into the room.
Kaden: Tris?!?!? What the ...
Tris: Kaden met my mother. Mother meets Kaden.
Kaden is in belief.
Kaden: what is going on??????!!!!!!
Queen: Are you a spy?
Kaden: A SPY!?!??!? NONO
Queen: Then what is your KADEN
Kaden: Kaden Keshawn Kevin Smilas!
Queen types on her computer to find any info about that name.
Queen: Born on Nov.9 at 11:59 pm
Kaden: yes... I changed my name because of the trials, mental records, etc., not to be a spy. But shit, I wish.
Queen: Trial about you killing your uncle?
Kaden: I DID NO.....i did not kill my uncle Ste
Queen: Then where is he?!?!?
Kaden: Where is your daughter then?
The Queen is now angry.
Queen: commander Jones!
CJ: Yes!
Queen: Tell the citizens there will be a hanging tomorrow at 11:59 pm for Kaden Keshawn Kevin Smilas.
Kade: I don't even get a trial?
Queen: Trials are not for Spys

Nov. 10th, 11 am
K: hey! When is your date?
Princess June: Tomorrow actually
King Miles: everything will be fine
K: my head will be snapped off soon
Bryan comes in with the three guards.
B: Kaden
he says with tears in his eyes
B: I wanted to you give this
hands over a panda bracelet
K: Bryan, thank you for everything, Bryan Contaily
They share a final kiss before a guard comes and gets Kaden.

Commander sits him on the ground
Commander: Color for the books
Kaden: Define Color?
Commander: Define?
Kaden: I have been Red, green, gray, and Pink, so please Define
The commander widens his mark away, and his eyes widen. Kaden's mark is GOLD.

Gold is the only mark born with, but you are usually killed when you are born. Golds are mass assassins, spies, and thieves. Golds are and will ruin the government's plan to control every state. The only state that is free in New York. The colored system was made to hold everyone's minds, so they started doing tests on everyone. But Kaden Alex smilas will overwin against stupid idiots.

By Jordan L. Belton
© Jordan