

Perfection of unpredictable weather
Is this a wave of destruction or is this a sign of a new, greater beginning? Perfection is streaming into a new chapter of our lives. Life couldn't be more perfect than it is now despite its flaws and it unexpected inevitablities. As soon as you think the excitement is over more comes tumbling along.

The sound of waves falling to form the perfect barrel is on its way. Will it be successful or will it collapse back into the depths of the sea? The barrel has been formed thus far. Little droplets were left behind but the forecast shows that the result will be better than ever before. The Pisces moon has revealed its identity. It's existence to the world. It's joy is being spread to those who deserve it most.

We have struggled long and hard. The days continuously crashed into one another, never seeming to end. The weather has been rough. Our lives slowly began to crumble until the sun showed its face and the moon unraveled its potential.

It is time to end this endless suffering before we end suffering and suffering ends us for good. It's time that the nagging sand particles stop irritating the skins of our toes. This is not what it was meant to be. It was not supposed to end like this. The sun was not supposed to hide forever... This is not the end.

Our suffering has created sand dunes but just as our deligence and hope was completely depleted, the world started Turing the other direction. The cycle has been renewed only this time it has seemed to be reversed. The waves we've pushed through to reach success, the wanes that triggered our deterioration has finally reached its peak. It's a smooth sea with a shining sun from here but that doesn't mean it's easier. The ocean of out fate is endless. Our contentment has risen only to fall back to the surface again to start a new cycle.

Life has such unpredictable weather that you wonder whether you are stuck in a storm or whether you are so indulged in the sun that you don't realize it's damage. Is this a wave of destruction or a sign of a greater beginning? It's your choice of what you will do in this unpredictable cycle but if I were you I would choose to develop from the suffering and thrive in the success and happiness.

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