

The Old Beggar
The streets had started bustling again with a mixture of aware and unaware people. Yet the societies were filled with silence. Women and children didn't step out of their houses. Everyone could sense the panic inflicted by coronavirus. Was this really Punit nagar? The society which used to be full with the sounds of vendors and chatting women, where now and then Vimla aunty would burst out angrily because of cricket balls causing disturbance to her, where a cat-dog fight would often create a havoc in the society. But since past some months there were no sounds by anyone in the silence that filled the society. Even a small noise would make Vimla aunty jump with excitement and she would run to the window and peep out of it in the hope of finding a cricket ball. Even the cat and dog seemed perturbed by the absence of people and so had come down to a mutual agreement of staying with peace, since they were only soul companions of each other. But today the society heard a voice, that of an old beggar. Women and children rushed to their windows or balconies or verandahs. Maybe the sight of someone coming from outside gave them hope that life still exists out there. The old beggar was wearing a torn kurta and dhoti. He was carrying a shabby bag which seemed to be filled with few coins. He was shivering and his breathing was heavy. He called out to the people to give him money in the name of god; that he had not eaten since 3 days; that his wife was ill. But all that registered into the mind of others was 'ill'. This old man would have been to many societies, going anywhere near him could prove to be risky. Disappointed the beggar turned around to leave but suddenly he seemed rooted to the spot. His body was trembling and his breathing had got very heavy as if his lungs could not pull in enough oxygen from the air. His legs gave away and he fell on the ground clutching his chest. The young and innocent one's tried to run to his aid but were held back by the elders. They wanted to help him but what if this was a corona attack. They could not risk their and their young ones lives. The beggar's body was trembling badly. Someone had called the ambulance. But will it arrive in time? Staring with wide eyes, the people stood trembling in fear. Young children were weeping, clutching their parent's legs around the knee and peeping fearfully from behind their back. The beggar's body suddenly went limp. Some tried to say "He's dead", but only their lips moved, no sound came out. Babies were crying hysterically, but nothing mattered anymore except the dead body of the old beggar. No one ate or slept well that night as if it was their tribute to the beggar. But none of them tried to find out the cause of his death. They assumed he died due to corona because they were afraid of finding the cause of death to be starvation or heart attack, afraid that they could have saved a life but they didn't for their own selfish reasons. These corona threatened days will also pass. They will then forget their misery due to lockdown and may even make fun of it. But will they ever forget their negligence of humanity? Will they ever be able to make fun of the death of the old beggar? Will they ever be able to wash the blood off their hands?
#coronalockdown #humanityfirst
© Piya0512