

The Legend of 7
before that 7 and Brandon grew up together then seven was Brandon teacher and master he taught Brandon Marshall arts Astro traveling and about energies also magic then stones then he taught him about swords and daggers he taught him how to meditate and how to feel energies and how to shape shift then seven told him to read all books of all religions when he was in Pennsylvania upstate prison but before that Brandon read the whole holy Bible three times and that's why God chose Brandon to be the silver Phantom but seven was against that and that is was Lucifer ous then Brandon saved him at the end and they became allies then seven disappeared then seven and Brandon other brothers can back her revenge they all was used by Lucifer but Brandon defeat 7 and his brothers then cast the Lucifer out of them then absorb Lucifer into himself they had many battles they would always be cool at the end because they were close but this time archangel Michael cast him out of him with the holy Spirit then they defeated Lucifer and the angel abandoned him for 1,000 years but he will return like he always do until then they will be ready the end short novel by Brandon Louis
© stay strong