

the lie (chapter one)
Rebecca unlocked the front door to her new home a large house that was made in 1945. it looks like it came straight out of a scary movie. when she opened the door it made a sound that reminds me of spirits groaning. on the inside it was clean. not one cobweb. it was also furnished. the floor was red oak and the walls were olive green.
she heard humming coming from the kitchen. she ran in there and found a pretty women with red glistening hair. she wore clothes that she looked like she was ready for a funeral. rebecca screamed like a dog whistle. the women was startled and dropped the pot she was holding.
"who are you?" rebecca said sounding like she was prepared to fight if she had to.
"oh, im the housekeeper, audrey." she grinned.
"ummm. i didn't ask for a housekeeper"
"i come with the house, my payment is only 200 dollars a week."
"welp, thats a bargain!" audrey giggled after that remark. "well i'm gonna unpack then go to bed."
"ok miss. i am gonna go home soon anyways my shift ends at at 11:00"
"ok." rebecca replied. "and audrey. thank you"