

Hey guys I soy subhash.. .. On Dec 15, Something make me feel like a guilty and depressed. When i sleep at night i had a great sleep and next morning, I seen that i am alive but i am not alive, I am physically absent and my brain thought i am dead and i also feel like dead and body weight pulls me down. Then someone came in and help he was my good soul came inside from me. And told all the thing which happen last night. The soul told that you had sleep at night till 12.45 am after that you gone in deep sleep and your mind got absent,After that you had started dream and thinking about your past life. In that you are Dangerous animal which harm all people whenever you go anywhere, And that time a incident done by bad soul and you kill your own self and trying to kill other, That time you had a thought that you have died and Hearing about bad soul, So i have came here to help you out.From this situation. And The situation is Your dream going to be true you have to kill yourself because in dream you have kill your own friends and Now You have to. GO with THEM....

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