

l e Patron. The Greatest Drug Dealer That Ever Lived.
They say a woman cannot keep a secret. I am a scenario writing professor, so I have kept 30,000 secrets. But this one is too big for me to keep. I'm sharing it with you because I only have 29 followers on this app. So I'm sure that no one but you will ever read this.

You have heard of Pablo Escobar, El Chapo, and the Medellin Cartel. You have enjoyed the fictional stories about drug bosses like Tony Montana, the fictional drug dealer. But you have never heard the story of the greatest drug dealer that ever lived or ever will live for that matter. His name is Le Patron, the Boss.

The story starts when a group of young Harvard students get together and snort cocaine. They snort cocaine their freshman year. They snort cocaine their sophomore year, and then something incomprehensible happens. They created a device called the Nontracker. This device enables you to not have any of your telecommunication devices tracked. You can't track their telephones. You can't track their GPS. You can't track money deposits. You cannot track airplane deliveries.

This device was one of the greatest Innovations of the 21st Century. What does the government do? They buy the device from these 20-year-old druggies for $20 million and swear them to secrecy. To this day no one has ever heard of the Nontracker.

The leader of this ragtag, good for nothing but snorting cocaine group is a 20-year-old fabulously wealthy techie named Albert Einstein Steinberg.

Albert and his five cocaine-snorting friends never went to class but they graduated at the top of Harvard consecutively. They would show up and take tests. They got the nickname The GEntleman from the other students because they were always very polite.

The Harvard Gentleman had a strange proclivity. They gave money to poor people. They bought them homes and cars.

They rented a beautiful mansion off campus. They supplied the mansion with state-of-the-art technology. They employed three butlers and three Maids because they were all very untidy. They spent their days snorting cocaine and creating elaborate Maps of North and South America for Google.

One of the maids was a beautiful young black woman by the name of Deborah Clark. Deborah wanted to be an architect and a home designer but she was very poor. She didn't have parents, and she did not have money to go to college. But Deborah was gifted. She furnished the mansion and kept it clean and orderly. The gentleman nicknamed Deborah The Decorator. The gentleman and Deborah had a lot in common. On Friday nights they would sit and binge-watch all of the Netflix stories about the great cocaine dealers. With an apple amount of cocaine and popcorn, they would comment on the business practices of the cocaine dealers.

This story could be named Five Geniuses and The Decorator.

It was a downer that all of the great cocaine dealers were captured by Americans and went to jail. They didn't like the fact that the drug dealers had rooms full of money and they could not spend it all.

Although the gentleman had received 20 million dollars from the American government they all belonged to families who wanted them to go to work. They investigated all of the big companies that were prospective employers. The Apple company made 100 billion dollars a year. The Saudi Arabian Saudi Aramco company makes 300 billion dollars a year.

When Albert Einstein Steinberg discovered that the North and South American Drug trade makes 500 billion dollars a year a light bulb went over his head.

Why don't we take over the North and South American Drug trade and revolutionize it? said Albert.

How would we do that? asked Hershey. The other cartels would come after us.

No. said Albert, you guys are not listening to me. There will be no other cartels. I am talking about taking over the drug traffic in the entire continents of North and South America.

Albert continued, "The drug trade is ruled by the cartels paying off government and political officials in key spots. What if we became government officials? Without America, none of these guys would have been caught. Hershey what if you became the head of the DEA? Campbell what if you became the head of the CIA? Johnson what if you became the head of Homeland Security? Pfizer what if you became the head of the FBI?

All the boys laughed. but Deborah took it all very seriously and said," That's the best damn idea I've ever heard. Where do I fit it?"

Albert said, I've got a special job for you. You will be the decorator. The Decorator will help us spend the money. In one year we will be richer than Elon Musk. In 10 years we will be the richest men and women in the world. Are you in or are you out?

Pfizer who seldom spoke, asked one question, "Where do we start?"

Albert said, with an unusual gleam in his eyes, "Look up the requirements for those jobs I just mentioned." Deborah, I want you to design a state-of-the-art operational office. I need a jumbo-sized screen right in the middle with a map of the entire North and South American continent. The rest of you pack your bags we're going to Peru tomorrow

Johnson asked," What are we going to do in Peru?

Albert answered, "We're going to buy it. And eventually, all the cocoa grown in the North and South American continents will come from Peru."

We're going to get the American Military to burn all of the cocaine crops in South America.

How are we going to get them to do that? asked Johnson incredulously.

We are going to make the American government an offer they can't refuse. We will pay them 250 billion dollars a year to let us control the entire production of cocaine in the North and South American continents. Oliver North had the right idea, but he just couldn't take it far enough. People are going to use cocaine no matter what law enforcement, the government, or the churches say. Control of cocaine will be the largest corporation in the entire world.

The next day the patron and his rag-tag group of the new cartel end up in Peru. Peru has only 6% of the cocaine business in the entire world. They go to a small town by the name of Iquite, Peru. It is a small town of 300,000 people. There is one road that leads into and out of the town. This town sits at the end of the rainforest. The average yearly income of the people of Peru is $10,000. The main industry of the town is agriculture. The Patron with the help of a greedy mayor buys all the available real estate in the entire town. By the end of the day The Patron, Albert spends 1 million dollars and purchases 80% of all the homes in Iquitos Peru. He now owns the mayor and all of the townspeople. He informs the people that they will now plant coca plants for the United States government. He also informs them that every family will receive a yearly stipend of $30,000. He took this model from the Abu Dhabians who all share the wealth of the oil money.

In 10 years this small town at the edge of the rainforest would become as beautiful as the south of France and Monaco.

He brings joy and prosperity to the entire town in one visit. He tells the people he is going to send The Decorator and she will help them to clean up all of the streets and redecorate their homes. His cocaine operation would not be placed in the squalor urban areas like his predecessors. His cocaine town would be the most beautiful place on the continents.

Pfizer, Hershey, and Johnson are now worried because he has told the people a lie. They don't have the United States of America as a partner.

Pfizer asks him how will he convince the government of America to go into the cocaine trade with him.

Confidently he answers. "I'll get a meeting and make them an offer they can't refuse. In one year we will be up and running and ready to make our first shipment."

I've left out a bit of the story. The Harvard Gentlemen are well connected to the government of the United States. Johnson's father is the vice president of the United States. If Albert Einstein Steinberg can convince the vice president of the viability of this deal the rest will be history.

Albert whimsically turns to Johnson and says, "Get me a meeting."

The boys fly off to Washington DC.

Albert Einstein Steinberg convinces the vice president of the viability of this endeavor. The vice president then gets him a meeting with the Chiefs of Staff.

Before the meeting, the gentleman from Harvard signed an agreement that they would earn only 3 billion dollars a year a piece, plus an end-of-year bonus, to be split equally among the gentlemen.

The meeting was impressive. The heads of the army, Marines, and all the Special Operations offices were in attendance.

The gentleman from Harvard showed up in Black Silksuits with Rolex watches on and $2,000 shoes on their feet. They look like characters out of a Quentin Tarantino film.

When Albert stood up to speak the generals looked at him incredulously.

He said
I am here to give you a solution to all the problems you have had with the drug trade in the entire continents of North and South America. If you take my deal there will be no more drug wars. There will be no more Narco terrorism. There will be no more involving innocent citizens in the drug trade for money. There will be no more bribery of crooked politicians. There will be no more drug shootouts on our streets. All of the Coca plant farms in South America and on the continent of North and South America will be burned to the ground. Every drug deal in North America will be put on a quantum computer. There will be no more hiding of millions of dollars under beds or planted in the backyard. $250 billion a year will be deposited for the government of the United States in the banks of their choice.

You cannot stop citizens from using cocaine. You cannot continue to have the destruction of the drug cartels. You have one viable option and that is to come along with me and take over all of the drug trade in all of South and North America. Your comrade Oliver North had the right idea. But North could not see the future of the cocaine drug business. The future of this business is 500 billion dollars a year. It will be the biggest single Corporation in the entire world. I can show you how to do this. I can do this for you. Crime in North America will decrease by 50% if you partner with me in this historic endeavor. I know you have questions and I am prepared to answer them. Why give drug dealers 500 billion dollars a year when 250 billion dollars a year can go toward the American Military?

By the time he sat down the American government was convinced that it should take over control of the cocaine drug trafficking in North and South America.

The wide-eyed generals had one question, "How can we help?"

Albert answered, "Mobilize the DEA and Homeland Security and burn down all of the cocaine Farms in the continent of North and South America. It doesn't matter where they are. Send drones out and burn them down. Anyone dealing drugs other than us should be immediately eradicated with extreme prejudice.

Any drug dealers or middlemen who practice violence will be immediately eradicated. If we are to change the drug business it must be beneficial to all the people of the North and South American. It is ludicrous for a cartel to have 100 million dollars buried in the backyard while its neighbors are starving. We will ingratiate the people by sharing the profits with the affected areas. That part of the business should be left up to me.

If you give me a free hand I will eliminate 50% of the poverty in North and South America without the taxpayer's money. What's more, I will build up the American Military to the tune of 250 billion dollars a year. Give us a hundred-year tax abatement to keep the water Walkers off our backs. We will clean up the continent town by town and that will come out of our part of the money.

All cocaine will be grown in Iquito, Peru. The President of Peru will legalize the growth of the cocaine plant in Iquito, Peru for medicinal purposes. All the cocaine plants will be grown in one centralized area. This will leave every area on the mainland free of any form of cocaine plantations or the growth of any plants. The towns in South America that are hit hardest by the elimination of the drug trade will be subsidized by the Harvard Gentleman, my company. It will give the people money to develop themselves and it will cut down illegal immigration by 50%."

The generals look on with gaping mouths. And then they all start to laugh hysterically. They are now the world's greatest drug dealers.
This is just the beginning of the story.

The United States government now had an incentive to eliminate all of the drug cartel competition.

Ballistic missiles were fired on all of the Pablo Escobar's Medellin drug crops. The Mexican Sinaloa cartel was taken down. El May was arrested and given 200 years in prison. Special Forces blew up every drug tunnel in South America. Every field was burnt to the ground. All the border crossings were closed in a wartime protocol. Distribution hubs in Chicago, San Diego, and Atlanta were burned to the ground. The US Army confiscated 1 million pounds of cocaine and gave it directly to the Harvard Gentleman. All the Coca crops of the Cartel of the Sons were wiped out by drones and missiles. The Golden Triangle of the drug world no longer existed. 300 drug mules were arrested and given life in prison sentences. These people were categorized as spies carrying weapons of mass destruction. These protocols would eventually make the American Military the richest and strongest in the entire world. This caused the American government to pay the soldiers twice the salary. It was important to Albert Einstein Steinberg that the people of the world profited from the drug trade and not the ruthless drug dealers.

Next, the boys flew to Medellin Mexico. They had to find a foreman and manager for the vast Coca plantations. They employed an analytical company to help them find such a man. They found one candidate, Jesus O'Brien. O'Brien was born on a Coca Plantation in Medellin Mexico. His father was a pilot for Pablo Escobar. His mother was a foreman on the Coca Plantation. Jesus was a 6 ft 2 blonde haired blue-eyed Mexican. He had graduated from an American College with a diploma in agriculture. He knew everything about the coca plant and he had established innovative ways of making it better. He was loyal, funny, generous, and all of his workers loved him. He grew up as a soldier for Pablo Escobar, but he did not like violence, so his parents sent him to college. He was the greatest expert on the Coca plant in the world.

Albert Einstein Steinberg made him an offer he could not refuse. His price was a house on the plantation and 1% of the prophets. He would be paid three times as much as the Medellin Mexican cartel paid him. He also wanted a tunnel to the beach and a well-equipped boat just in case the American government pulled out of the deal. Jesus O'Brien's favorite colors were white and sky blue, so the patron Albert, sent Deborah to Peru to oversee the building of the house and to decorate it in white and blue. Albert was like no other drug dealer he had ever come into contact with.

Everything was falling into place. The people of Iquit Peru are lining up to work on the new Coca Plantation. The town was changing rapidly because the money was flowing. Many of the townspeople opened restaurants and stores. Many of them built beautiful homes with the help of Deborah. Everything was Modern, new, and shiny. Albert was taking the drug trade out of the past and into the future with the people of the world and the drug trade workers prospering from something no one could stop anyway.

Albert believed that if the people in the world insist upon taking drugs then the money from these drugs should be used to give the citizens of the world a better life.

He began to build state-of-the-art schools in Iquitos, Peru. The children of the infamous drug town would become the most educated children in the world.

There is another story behind the children of the town of Iquito Peru. These children became so educated that they had card Blanche to any University in the world including Oxford, Harvard, and Yale.

to be continued.

© China Clark