


Will she be able to fall in love with him after meeting a misogynist?


"My name is Zafera, just an employee. I am a workaholic woman who always thought that I work 24 hours. As a workaholic, I was a little too professional and the best worker. After 6 months of continuous work, I was promoted to manager. To celebrate, I'm now waiting for them on the beach. I have 2 friends, Nikki and Ashley, who both work as designers in a company. So after these days of work, we took 3 weeks off to celebrate my promotion and also have a relaxing holiday. The blue sea called us... The beach was full of many people. It's really hard to find a free space. After sunbathing, we played in the tides. Nikki and Ashley bought me ice cream and we had a blast. Now it's time to see the sunset. Nikki and Ashley want to buy some more food, so they left me alone.

I was relaxed at that moment, because looking at the blue sea and the reddish sky is really a beautiful view. I started thinking about my past life there. Suddenly, someone stood in front of me, which disturbed my vision and my thoughts. I felt a bit annoyed, so I suddenly got up and started cursing. Unfortunately, I fell on that person and we both fell in the sand!

While I was on the ground, I noticed that I hugged that person, and that person also held me tightly. After a few seconds, I found out that person is a man. Zafera, you are doomed!"

"I don't know what the hell is going to happen. I slowly opened my eyes... Suddenly, I was amazed by his blue eyes... Suddenly, we both stared. The rift between us has begun to narrow. I feel like I'm trapped in his aura. Suddenly, we were interrupted by his friends, Willy... (Oh, so that's his name). We got up and parted ways. I'm so ashamed, I feel like I've lost my mind. So I'm looking for my friends and they... watched it all from the start. I was shocked they even ate ice cream like popcorn. Shit, we're missing a nice kissing scene," Nikki and Ash said together. "I was freaking out, what the hell are you doing?" I asked them.

"Matchmaking," they told me together. Suddenly, I look at him, but he's already gone! Damn, I lost a hot guy...

When the night came, we got engaged in a private bar. Like a beautiful girl, I drew attention there. After that, I sometimes went out alone. My friends brought their partners, and they danced so wildly. So, I started exploring by myself... Suddenly, someone pulled me.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed.

Then I looked at this person. I was surprised; it was him!

"You?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, sand girl!" he answered me. (What is it? Did he just give me a nickname?)

"What do you want?" I asked him nervously.

He just smiled at me.

"I want you to beg me for my love!" he said.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I screamed. He smiled at me like an asshole. He even came close to me, and then my heart went crazy again. He violently pushed me against the wall, and I didn't know what was happening or why. My mind and body froze at his statement.

"I WANT YOU TO PRAY FOR MY LOVE," he repeated again. Then suddenly, I came to reality. Then I understood something about his speech. I heard a rumor here that this handsome boy hates girls because his girlfriend cheated on him. He came here because of depression for 3 years. Then suddenly, he was teased and introduced by so many girls because of his hot face and body. But as a misogynist, his hobby is to teach those girls an unforgettable lesson now. And shockingly, I realized it's that psychopath! IT'S HIM!!!

"Today, I'm the only victim because he thinks I'm a gold digger, and I dropped it on the floor. But I feel so sorry for him because now he has been alone and depressed for 3 years, for the person he really loved. How much he fought for those memories. Now he's giving me a course in college on how to become a perfect woman under a man's care. In the end, I hate it. Even when I try to stop it, he gets the dominance. Then I understand that I have to stop him by force. I have no choice, so... I pulled him in for a kiss. He panicked and surprisingly didn't push me. Our kiss lasted 10 minutes. Then  we kissed passionately for another 10 minutes; this time, he initiated. Then we stopped. So I apologized to him and rushed to my friends' area. I couldn't find them, so I hurried to my hotel. My cheeks were red because "IT WAS MY FIRST KISS."

The next day, I rushed to the airport and left without saying goodbye to my friends. I don't know why, because I'm afraid to explain. I'm finishing my vacation and going back to work.

It has been 6 months since that incident, and I still can't forget it. Maybe I fell in love with him. That's why I'm trying everything to connect with him. And today, I received a bouquet of red roses. I was surprised, and I suddenly found a note. It says:

I think I fell in love during our first encounter.

This letter made my heart pound. It's finally here for me....

I explained my situation to my friends.
They looked frozen, I giggled at their facial expressions. It was very funny to see both of them in shock.
Then we had a conversation like this:

"What the hell is this, Zera?"
"I can't believe you had your first kiss with a misogynist."
"You are really bold. I wish I could be like you."
"It's like the story of Beauty and the Beast."
Lol, they both began to tease me hard.

"Will you both stop teasing me and focus on our situation here?" I dragged them into the conversation.

"So what are you gonna do?"
"Don't tell me you're gonna ditch your engagement for this reason."
"Well, Nikki, that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
"What??? Seriously? Zera?"
"Let her, Nikki," Ash supported me.
I smiled at them. I know they are worried about me. I held their hands and told them, "It's okay," and left for my work.
Yes, let me tell you another part of my life.

Well, I had a fiancé. It's not like we are engaged because this marriage was arranged by my family. I don't know who he is. That's the problem.
I didn't even know his name or what he looks like. I just said yes without seeing him.
Now this has become a pain for sure.
I rushed to my home.

"Welcome sweetie, it's been so long," my dad wished. "I am home," I told him and rushed towards my room.
Yeah, another truth about me: I am an introvert. Great, now this is going to be very interesting. I won't talk too much to my family. My friends know that too. Now, how am I supposed to find details about my fiancé?
I take out the letter which came this morning.
"Willy..." I spelled unconsciously.

Then the next day has come.
Usually, I was busy with my work. Then suddenly, someone appeared in front of me.
I was in a daze after seeing him.
"Long time no see, sand girl," he chuckled.
His blue eyes locked onto mine. At that time, I found out my cheeks were burning.
He came close to me and held my hands tightly. Then we had a conversation like this:
"Let's get married," he told me.
"What???????" I was surprised to hear that.
"How the hell is that going to happen? I don't know you."
I forcefully took my hands from his hands, then mischievously pretended.
He looked confused, then held my hands again.
"You have to take full responsibility for stealing my first kiss."
Those lines were enough to make my heart crazy, but I kept my calm in front of him.
"How the hell am I supposed to know? Do you have evidence?" I asked him.
"Yes," he replied to me with a mischievous tone.
"Oh no, this is bad," he came closer to my face.
I feel like I dug my own grave.
"Prepare yourself, sand girl," he giggled.

His face came close to me.
His breath tickled me. I knew it was going to happen, so I pushed him away.
"No... no... You can't!" I shouted at him in a panic.
"See, you're blushing like nothing happened," he replied with a teasing tone.
"You... just go away. This is not the appropriate place to flirt," I told him.
"So what? If I want to kiss you here, I will do it. No one can stop me," he declared.
Oh no... This is getting out of my hands. I blush like a tomato. I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack just by seeing his face. His expressions... those eyes... everything is enough to make me crazy.
So the problem is not him, actually it's me.

The person who can't control is me. If I do something, he will catch me for sure.
What should I do while I am busy solving the situation? He pinned me to my table.
After becoming a manager, I was allotted a personal cabin.
Now everything is a perfect chance for him.
Now he is on top of me.
Shit... I am doomed.
The sexual tension begins to rise inside of me.
While he was too focused on my lips,
He was about to kiss me, so I closed my eyes.
Oh no... Is it time for a second kiss already?
But unfortunately, he kissed my forehead.
I was surprised and touched my forehead where he kissed me. While I looked at him, he was smiling at me. Then he moved away from me. With a disappointed expression, I pouted. Then we had a conversation like this.
Oh my... my... I didn't know Sand Girl was this greedy for my kiss. He giggled.
No way, why would I? I am going to call security now.
Huh? Security, why?
Because you tried to kiss me forcefully, that's sexual harassment.
Oh really? Then call security. Do it.
He pointed the telephone in front of me.
What??? I was shocked to see his boldness.
Yeah, let me warn you, if you call security, I will kiss you in front of everyone.
Ehhhhh??? I was shocked to hear that. I even stayed away from the telephone too.
That's my girl, he patted my head and said.
I was staring angrily at his face. But in reality, I was too craving his kiss and enjoying how he was savage with me. I even held back my laughter and pretended to be an angry lady!

See you later, Sand Girl... I will come here again and pick you up for dinner tonight. If you plan to ditch, that will be the regret of your life. He told me.

He walked away from my cabin. I saw girls outside screaming at him. He smiled at everyone and was gone.
At that time, I placed my hand on my chest. My heart was filled with craziness.
Damn that misogynist... I chuckled.
After a few hours, Nikki and Ash rushed to my cabin. It seemed like they had heard the news. They were supporting me for going to dinner.
But I am still confused. How the hell did he find me?
Let's see how far you will go!

Then the time has come.
I am really afraid to do anything. I know what will happen if I ditch his dinner. He's definitely going to kidnap me for sure. The next day, I will become his wife. What should I do? Should I play along with him?
After all, I didn't confess my feelings for him. Damn, this is too much for me. While I am struggling, someone pulled me. I looked at that person furiously, and it was none other than him, Willy. I didn't get the chance to respond, then he dragged me into his car.
Then we had a conversation like this:

"What the hell?"
"Yeah, sand girl, curse as much as you want. We are going to have dinner together."
"Wait, I didn't agree to this."
"Oh really? Then let's go to the marriage registration office tomorrow then."
My eyes widened and I was frozen. I didn't know what to say. At that time, he drove the car.
I could see him giggling at me in a teasing tone for pretending to be angry in front of him.
I looked out of the car window. There was mischief in my eyes as I hid my smile from him.
After a few hours, we reached our destination: the Starlight Hotel. I looked at him suspiciously.
"Wait a sec, what are we doing in a love hotel?" I furiously looked at his face, but he avoided my gaze and dragged me inside the hotel.
"Welcome, young master," a handsome man greeted both of us. While he was giving instructions to that guy, I looked at him.
"Young master?" I thought. "Who is he anyway? It is true that I don't know much about him. All I know is his misogynistic past and handsome face." Then, in the next moment, I stole a kiss from him and fell in love at first sight. Actually, it was my first fall. What is his intention anyway? With all of his actions towards me, is he playing with my feelings or is he really into me? Clueless, I stared at him blankly.
"Hello, where are you?" He shook my shoulders. Then, I snapped back to reality, only to blush at the sight of his handsome face too close to mine.

"Wah!" I exclaimed.

Sigh, Sand girl, you need to get ready. Let's go to the room which I reserved for you to get ready and come to that side," he pointed towards a classical style restaurant which is inside this hotel. "I will wait for you there."

While I was trying to talk, he interrupted me like this,

"Oh, I see. Do I need to help you freshen up? If you don't mind, I will help you with anything," he smiled at me in a seductive way.

At that time, I couldn't help it, I ran away from him and followed that guy to hide my reddish face. Damn, I cursed.

Then, as soon as I entered the room, I locked it. I saw that he had arranged everything for me to get ready. I saw two girls waiting for me. They were waiting for me to finish my bath.

Then I followed everything as he said. After a few hours, I got ready very beautifully and looked at the mirror.

"Wow, is that me?" I looked at my reflection.

I could say Willy selected everything for me.
I could appreciate his fashion sense, but how is this possible? We only met for one day. How did he know everything about me? Strange, curiosity is killing me. Then I headed towards the place he mentioned to wait for me. I walked confidently there, with one question in my mind: Who the hell is he really? Misogynist or a gentleman?

Then I entered the restaurant. There was a VIP section. Then there is a special place which leads towards the luxury room.
While entering there, I was amazed to see that it was decorated with candles and rose petals. Then I took the path of rose petals and ended up at a beautiful dining table filled with all of my favorite food.
While searching for Willy, I saw that he was looking at me with a beautiful smile. He was coming near to me, and I couldn't hold back.
He touched my hair and kissed it.
"You look beautiful. Still, I want your heart." 💗
I smiled at him, and then we both sat down in the chairs. Then we started to have the food.
I still can't believe how the hell he knows about my favorite food. I enjoyed every bite, and he did too. After finishing the candlelit dinner, he took me outside to the hotel balcony. It was too luxurious, with plants and glowing lights. It seemed perfect for romantic dates.
The moon was shining above us, and a gentle wind passed over me. As I tried to adjust my long brown hair, Willy came close to me and helped me fix it. I looked at him calmly, and soon he locked his eyes on mine. I gently touched his face and kissed his forehead. He wasn't surprised; he accepted those kisses with his eyes closed. Then, he leaned on my shoulder. We stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the moment, when suddenly we were interrupted by someone.

"Huh, look who's here!" Willy and I turned around. I was shocked to see that it was my sister, Zaya James. I looked at Willy, and I could see that his face was filled with hatred towards her. Wait a second, do they know each other? While I was thinking, we had a conversation like this:
Well, long time no see, dear ex!
"Ex?" I asked her.
"Yes, dear Zera. I didn't know you were into rotten things," she smirked at him.
"What do you mean, sis? I still don't get you."
"Let me tell you one more time, Zera. Leave this loser for someone better. He is even worse than a beggar."
"It doesn't matter what you say, sis. I won't believe a single word of yours. Besides, I have keen eyes for good things. You know that too, right sis? So I don't need your judgment."
"You... you will regret this soon, Zera."
"My regrets and life are none of your business."


While I am looking at her, she came near to me and tried to slap me, then it got interrupted by Willy. He held her hands and threw her away. I never saw him this angry. She fell on the ground. Then someone came near to her and helped her up. For a second, she was afraid of Willy, then she held onto that person. " he is my brother-in-law, Freddy." She furiously looked at me and Willy.

YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!!!! She shouted at us. Suddenly, my brother covered her mouth and told us, "SORRY FOR TROUBLING YOU, EXCUSE US." My brother winked at me, and I smiled at him. Then he forcefully dragged her out.

I looked at Willy. It looks like he calmed down. A little smile remained on his face. So my guess was right, she was the ex. It's true that I was surprised, but it's a closed chapter I don't want to reopen. It's better if I don't discuss it with Willy. I know what's going to happen after this. She will definitely inform my family, and soon they will marry me off to my unknown fiancée. My family doesn't allow love relationships, and my sister Zaya is always jealous of me. She always tries to make my life suffer, but poor her, I will ditch all her attempts. Thanks to my brother-in-law, he will also be on my side. While I am busy with my own thoughts, Willy shakes my shoulders.

We have a conversation like this:

Oooi, come back.
Yeah, I am here, Willy. What do you want?
What kind of expression is that?
Well, then how should I react, Willy?
What? You didn't even surprised to know that my ex was your sister, right?
Yeah, I didn't.
Why? Why didn't  you surprised?
Because I know the whole truth, you know. See, I am not being judgmental, but I must say you saved your life.
Pffftttttttt, I can't believe you, Zera....
Why are you surprised? Zera is your nickname, right?
Well, it's the first time you're calling me that.
Well, Zera, do you want to know about me?
No, Willy. I am not here to dig up your past. It's not going to change anything.
Don't you even feel a little bit jealous or possessive?
Aren't you going to doubt me for pursuing you for revenge?
No, Willy.
Why, Zera? Why?
It's because I trust you. I know you are not that kind of person.
I looked into his eyes and told him confidently. He seemed to be shocked for a moment. But soon he held me closer.

Can I kiss you now?
I looked into his eyes and saw how much he wanted to kiss me.
I told him, "Yes."
Then slowly, he moved his face towards mine. I closed my eyes, and in that moment, his nose touched mine. Then, he stole my lips again. I wrapped my hands around his collar as he pulled me towards him. For the first time during our second kiss, I felt his warmth and love instead of lust. We kissed gently. After a few times, we kissed again.
Then, we both became exhausted. He leaned on my shoulder and whispered to me,

"Thank you... Thank you for believing in me. I love you, Zera."

I hugged him tightly. In that moment, I realized our heartbeats were becoming one, and I felt his tears of happiness. Unconsciously, I started crying too. That night ended well. Then in the upcoming days, Willy and I officially entered into a relationship. My best friends Nikki and Ash were so happy for us. Of course, my misogynistic and crazy friends became best buddies. Willy and I, day by day, fell deeper in love. Sometimes we would fight each other, sometimes we would be crazy about each other. But things weren't easy for me. Soon, my family found out about my relationship. It became a huge issue. But at that time, we didn't know that a great hardship was approaching us,  That is my unknown fiancé.

Today is my wedding day. I am standing here in the church room, waiting for the groom. I was not happy because three weeks before, I was like a Disney princess who always aspired for a happy ending with her lovely prince.

But one day, my parents found out about my affair.

"What is this, Zera? Is it true that you were in a relationship?" my parents asked me furiously.

"Yes, Dad. I love him," I replied confidently.

Suddenly, my dad slapped my cheeks. I didn't react to anything because I knew it was going to happen. My mom and father started scolding and quarreling with each other. At the same time, my sister Zaya smirked at me with satisfaction. My brother-in-law tried to convince my parents.

I touched my cheeks, ouch, it's painful.
I looked at my parents. They were rigid, but that doesn't mean they don't love me. I am not like my sister. My sister dumped Willy because to her, he was just a passing fling like all her other relationships. Then she soon accepted my brother-in-law because he is super rich and a gentleman. She is satisfied. But for me, she is disgusting. I even pity my brother-in-law sometimes.

While I was busy thinking, my dad came near and we had a conversation like this:
"Are you really in love?"
"Yes, Dad, he is my soulmate. No matter what, I will only marry him."
"What does that mean? You don't care about our family's prestige for a scum?"
"He is not a scum, Dad. Just give him a chance, he will come and talk to you."
"No need for that, Zera. From today onwards, you are grounded. I will only let you out on the day of the marriage."

He dragged me into my room and locked me inside. I shouted a lot and tried to open it, but no one heard me. Damn it... Still, I couldn't do anything. Thanks to my sister, here I am grounded. My phone and laptop have been seized by my parents. I can't believe this. A free bird like me ended up a caged bird. Willy, what should I do? I thought.

Days passed, and I was isolated in this room. No one came near my room. Only maids entered here for food and cleaning. I heard even my brother-in-law was not allowed. I can hear the preparations for my wedding. Without an engagement, how is it possible? I didn't cry or resist. I am being emotionless, but one thing is for sure: I won't marry that unknown person. Only one day left until my wedding.

That night, my brother-in-law handed over his phone secretly. He told me that Nikki and Ash came here to talk with my parents. But soon they both quarreled and left. They even denied it. I feel bad for my friends. I called them and talked to them a lot. They were fully supportive. Soon they will inform Willy. I tried to call him, but I got interrupted by my sister. My brother-in-law grabbed his phone and left.

At that time, I felt so lonely. Then, my brother-in-law rushed towards me and gave me his phone. It was my friends. They told me shocking news, "Willy is also getting married tomorrow." I was frozen to hear that. I dropped my phone.
In that moment, I cried a lot. My parents rushed towards my room, and I cried loudly to them.
I am sorry I told them. Mom and dad looked at each other, then consoled me. I could not sleep that day. I cried all day.

That's all that happened. My cheeks reddened, my eyes were swollen. After this, it's the end for me. I am going to marry some unknown guy who doesn't even know about me and end up being a loser.

It's time for you, my dad came near to me and led me into the wedding hall. I didn't look up at anyone. I held my sorrow. I remembered Willy at that time. That traitor, but something is wrong. Even if he betrayed me, I didn't feel right. Still, I believe him.

I was lost in thought. I reached near to my groom. I didn't see his face. Then suddenly the priest asked about the marriage vow, he replied 'I do'. That voice, I was shocked and looked up at that person. It's none other than Willy.

With panic, I looked at my parents. They were smiling at me, then I saw Nikki and Ash near them. My sister cursing her brother-in-law, he winked at me.

"Hey, you are forgetting about our wedding," Willy told me.

The priest asked for the vow and I told them 'I do'.

You are now husband and wife. You can kiss your bride now," he held my face, about to kiss. I pinched his cheeks.

"Ouch... I am so sorry... Zera... Spare me," he told me.

I pinched him strongly, then the crowd began to laugh.

Then I let him go. That moment, he pulled me into a kiss. The crowd clapped, the wedding bells rang. Then I threw my bouquet towards my friends. I got to understand that day coincidentally I was about to marry him. His name is William Watson. When he got to know about his wedding, he inquired about the bride. It was none other than me. So they were so happy and set up a drama like this. With an annoyed reunion, ours Zaya left early. I thanked my brother-in-law.

"Sorry, sweetie. Dad hurt you so much."

"It's okay, Dad. I love you the most," I hugged him tightly. Then, soon, I ran towards my friends. I cried almost with them. "Thank you... Thank you... So much."

Then, soon Willy forcefully carried me into our new branded car. I said goodbye to everyone. Willy's cheeks were reddish. I touched them and asked, "Is it painful?"
"You will regret this soon, Zera," he replied with a teasing smile. I blushed too.
On our wedding night, we shared our most precious moments and love.
"**Do you have any clue about our first meet?" I asked him.
"All I can say is I fell in love with a sand girl who fell on my top," he giggled.
"After all, we both fell first together to fall in love with each other."
Is it called love at first fall?**


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