

Cafe Date Lust
Walking out your door closing it behind you. Staring at the ground you mentally prepare everything in your head. *Meeting him at the cafe, hoping to fall in love, and fall in love.* You sigh and speak out loud. "What a great plan." You walk out onto the street and smell the wonderful aroma of sizzling steak on the curbside, boiling crispy mouth watering chicken from inside a shop across the street. You get into your car and begin sweating and re-plan. *Walk in, talk, eat cakes, and go on a walk in the park.* You sigh softly and pull into drive then start driving off to the cafe. Looking around turning a deep red and stares forward. You pull into a parking spot infront of the cafe and start hyperventilating. You see him and you start breathing hard unable to control your heart from beating fast. You get out of the car and stumble over to the hood. You breathe out and walk into the cafe and see him at the entrance. *He looks so hot... Oh my god I want to see him shir- Stop it.* You smile and and breathe out then speak as your voice squeaks. "Hi~! Er.. um Hello.." He chuckles and speaks back soothingly. "Hello." You stare at him amused with his calmness. *I want him already..* "Should w-we get some coff-coffee?" You asked droopily and he replies with "Sure, though I'd like a latte" You smile and whisper. How about.. we go to the park?" he stares at you confused then shrugs. "If you would like to! I don't mind." You smile and stumble towards him falling against his chest. He catches you and smiles softly while slowly holding you close to his chest taking you to his car. You mumble and gasp as you smell him everywhere once he places you into his car. You faint.
You wake up in his bed and he's on a computer. You look at him and mumble. "I'm so sorry.." He looks at you and stands up. "It's alright, how are you feeling? Do you want a cup of tea?" You shake your head no and sit up slowly seeing that you have his jacket on. Trying to seem un-noticed you take a whiff of his jacket and sigh happily. You stare at him and he smiles. "You don't mind if I continue my work?" You shake your head and smile at him while standing up as he sits down to continue working on his computer. You watch from behind him and smile even more... You cover yourself in his jacket and bite your lip.