

"Pinky promise?" she asked lifting her little finger
"Yeah, pinky promise" I said lifting mine too
"Alright, get dressed, you're late"
She left the room
Within 35 minutes I was done with dressing.
"I'm ready" I thought to myself
"I'm ready mom!" I called out to her
She was preparing breakfast
" Won't you wait for breakfast?"
"Nah, I'll eat on my way"
"Eat something healthy alright?"
"yeah, bye"
I kissed her cheek

I arrived at my destination minutes later, luckily I found my way to the reception waiting patiently for my turn.
10 minutes later, I was summoned.
"Young lady, please have a seat" the interviewer gestured for me to sit
"Thank you sir"
I sat down facing him
"You must be Emily Carson right?"
"Yes sir"
"I went through your C.V and I must say that I'm impressed"
"Thanks once again"
He asked different questions and I answered to my best capacity
"Now, what makes you want to work with us?"
"Actually sir, I have a million reasons why I want to work here"
"You can start listing them"
""This job is in line with my course at school, I'm experienced theorically but not practically, I hope to make a difference and work hard"
"And secondly, I really need this job for financial purposes"
"I'm sorry but......"
"But what sir?"
"We are in need of experienced workers"
"I can take that position sir, I'll work hard"
"I'm sorry Emily, you're not qualified for this job, you're really good believe me, but my hands are tied at this point, I can't do anything apart from this"
"I understand sir"
I stood up
"You can take your leave"
"Thanks sir"

I left the office sadly😔
Rejections everywhere, even on my wedding day. Life is just unfair to me.
I won't cry😭, I promised myself not to cry😭.

©Authoress Cassie 💋
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