

GAME : Prologue
"Welcome to the virtual world - 1." said a Humanoid robot with a human like natural smile. Then I gave her a nod as a sign language there for "I want to play few games today. What's the best game here." She bowed me and so I did and followed her as she started walking, as bow means "Follow me sir/ma'am."
It was 25th Century and our world had already inverted a virtual world called "Earth-2" and there are other worlds also which are still in process. As it's the first virtual world, so we call it "Virtual World- 1".
Cause life's here is like a game. If you die here you would still be alive in the real world.
We humans come here throgh a Portal called the "Poratl no. - 23" as there are other portals. "It's the best game here called Life. Would you like to play this". said the humanoid robot as I entered with a smile which means "I would love to". And then the game started as I entered a glass like room and tapped the Start button on the screen."