

The Miners-Loop
The black-tar filled the hands of ole' man jenkins.
completely filling his hands until his wrinkled skin was completely drenched.
firmly pulling his tough, torn fingers off the grip of the iron-pickaxe.
" its... it's too thick, it won't budge" yelled a significantly bigger, broad shouldered fellow standing right behind him.
tire in his eyes & coal residing on every inch of his entire body including his rugged ,long white socks.
The air was thick & the miners began breathing heavier and heavier by the moment...
All six of them, trapped by an accidental collapse within the old wooden frames structure, that outlined the entire mines massive burrow system.
"We're sitting ducks", another man mumbled sitting close by.
two hours had already went by and no luck begot the 6 of them.
Waiting for rescue that might never come in time, before the oxygen levels depleted and all hope would be lost.
The tired, aggravated, coal drenched miners all starred at each other in amazement, shaking their heads in utter disbelief.
Just them,those poor, beaten down, tiresome miners, their pickaxes & only time would tell what this misfortune might bring...

The oldest of the group, a Mr. Larry buckskin, a humble worker with the hands of a man who's lived, started walking towards the back of the cave to see if there might have been any other collapsed parts of the integral structure.
With quick notion, old man Larry began pacing back and forth, in ecstatic shock as if he had just won the lotteries jackpot!
Everyone starred at him with a awestruck, cunfused feeling as if Larry had finally lost his marbles and gave into the madness.
"I see a light! Towards the back of the tunnel" belched larry with his hand pointing towards the rear of the group.
With swiftness 3 of the miners bounced off the floor with haste and began darting towards the position Larry stood.
"By god, hes right man" murmured another short pale faced man by the name of johnny.
all of a sudden the entire group was heading towards the back of the tunnel .
Pickaxes in hand and flashlights in the other.
as the they neared where the coal trolleys remained they began to see a light.

A bright light, shimmering through a small crack in the surface where the structure had damaged the foundation of the tunnel showed promise for the ill-fated miners.
The men began slashing at the roof, trying to widen the tiny hole of the cave roof.
Vigorously they kept their momentum, one by one, sweat pouring down their faces, hacking at the root filled, soft-top layer of dirt.
Slowly inch by inch the hole widened up until visibility from outside began shimmering through.
"Alas boys, we did it"!
with brightness ahead, blinding ole' man Jenkins , he knew that hhe was finally free of the tragedy that might of occurred...
**beep** **beep*
an alarm clock screeched throughout the house.
Waking ole man jenkins from his slumber, noticing he had overslept and was already 10 mins late for work.
"It was just a dream, thank god but dammit I'm late" he thought to himself whilst scratching his early morning bed-head.
He then did his routinely mourning of brushing his teeth, throwing on his mining gear and making a quick scrambled egg sandwich.
The house phone alerted in the distance.
"Oh c'mon who could that be this early in th morning " rubbing his forehead as if the sudden call had given him a migraine.
A subtle but familiar voice answered the phone .
"Jenkins, there's been an accident down at the mines. ...
you might want to come down here, we could use all the help we can get. The mine, the mines collapsed on the boys".
Without hesitation Jenkins rushed out the door and quickly hopped into his green, 1999 jeep Cherokee.
zooming down the road, panicked and shook anxiety.
He flies down the road at tip top speed only to pull up to the tragic site in a matter of minutes.
Rushing towards the crowd of worried workers & family members that had shown up , jenkins has a quick flash of dejavu and grabs a pick and began running past the crowd towards the mound where the miners had managed to dig to.
Everyone looking in disbelief because in only a matter of moments a hand raised from the ground, in the distance a miners arm covered in coal emerged.

In disbelief, to his very sight, like a deer in headlights, Jenkins stares into the eyes of the coal smothered miner. The enclosed miner manages to pop his head out of the ground & it's none other than jenkins himself.
a mirrored image of twin starring at each other, as if it were a clone.
shocked in utter confusion, both Jenkins gets light headed and suddenly faints!
The sound of a erry resemblance mimicked in his unconscious brain...of an awe too familiar alarm clock, blaring again.....