

The Little Boy Who Always Played With Army Men

There was a little boy who loved to play with his army men. There was no better way for him to spend his day. He created scenes, scenarios, little battles, made his own and reenacted old ones.
But the little boy had no one to play with. He tugged on his father’s sleeve. “Please, daddy, come play army men with me,” he’d say. “Not right now, I’m busy. We’ll play tomorrow,” his father would answer. But he never acted on his promise.
He tried his older brothers. “Please, brothers, come play army men with me,” he’d say. “We aren’t five anymore,” they would say.
No matter how many times he asked, tried, or begged, no one wanted to play army men with him. So he played alone. He enjoyed playing with his army men alone, because he could make his own scenarios, and play how he wanted. But sometimes he wished he could have someone else play with him.
As seasons changed and time moved, the little boy grew. He started a job, bought a car, and planned for a future. He saved his money, relished in his easy life. But never forgot about those army men.
The years changed and the boy became a man. He married a beautiful girl, bought a house, and soon had their first child.
One night, as the man stayed up doing some extra work, his, now five-year-old, boy tugged on his sleeve. “Please, daddy, come play army men with me,” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.
As the man was about to say, not right now, I’m busy. We’ll play tomorrow, he stopped. He looked up at his son, smiled and stood up. “Alright, son, let’s go play army men together.” Because now, the man finally had someone to play army men with.

© Joel Francis