

🦋The Wandering Butterfly 🦋
I clenched the paper that was filled with the words that would give a treasure map to my final plan. My back hit the wall and I slid down it. Trapped in the darkness of the room I decided to have my last breath in. I put the gun to my lips as tears fell. I saw a butterfly come in my window and land on the other side of the barrel. I was staring at death and life at the same time. The gun fell in my lap. As it fell, the butterfly gently moved it's way and landed on my nose. Mother nature was giving me a kiss. The universe has other plans. I went out to the tree in the backyard and took my pointer finger and picked up the butterfly and put it on a nice big leaf. 'Thank you friend, you have given me another day.' I started a fire in the old fire pit. And after the flames were big and the heat brushed against my face. I stood up and placed the letter in the middle of the fire pit. Then sat back down and watched it turn to ash. All my words in the sky now. A feeling put to rest and put to sleep. Every breath is now owed to the... wandering butterfly
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