


it is better to say that a cave is like a path beyond the door. Charles looked there to the tip of his eye. Charles was unware of the fear and was anxious to get inside.
there was light and sometimes there was someone inside and Charles walked away without giving up positivity.

when he reached the place where the light was burning, the light went off. Charles realized that the work was over..... bt what happened next was unbelievable to Charles eyes.
the next moment there was a total blur. Charles was shocked to see the light or what was happening and he was standing in a room, in a large room of the required size. until he had been standing in way of a cave bt now he is not. as if absolutely somewhere else. Charles panicked, bt it did not end there. Charles was looking there when a woman was walking with her baby. bt the woman is looking for something in the books and so on. suddenly "did you get jessie? "No William i couldn't find it"after saying this the woman was worried. the man came and calmed them down. seeung this Charles recognized that this was the babies father and mother. bt Charles noticed William looking at Charles when he saw all this,
he was shocked
William came over, Charles was right
Charles paused for a moment,
William went back through Charles body..... by the time Charles was dead, because he was so frozen....