

The signs to magical destiny ( Chapter-5, First Meet with Pr. Crosent Harrsion)
If you haven't read first 4 chapters of the story then do read it out.
Thank you

Rasselone stood up early in the morning. He turned his head to the desk where he kept book and the letter last nigh.. Rasselon changed his outfit and attended lectures till 4:00pm.With intention not to tell whole story to Rose, He ignored Rose for a whole day. The click strikes already 8:30 pm..He thinks that he should leave or else if anyone sees him going out this time they'll take strict action against him. Without any single moment wasting his time in thinking he rush through every corridor of the hostel secretly to the main gate where he saw Guard Mr. Jutel dorrin is having his dinner in his small musty cabin.Stilly without even a single noise of his shoes.He hurried towards Giant roxen street to the same mysterious restuarnat. When he reached near the Resturant he again found Resturant crowdy with too many people and no change in atmosphere.He sat at the bench under the blue dim street light and waited for Pr. Crosent Harrison till 9:00 o 'clock.Suddenly, From nowhere he felt a voice calling his name" Rasselone,hey! Rasselone."
Rasselone looks at his left side and got amazed to see a young men wearing a formal uniform with a batch of Fludarth, School of Wizardry and a symbol in his right arm World 1625. rasselone asked in inepty" Wh- Who are you? Are you Pr. Crosent?
Pr. Crosent : yeh I'm. From Fludarth, School of wizardry.He spoke slowly and calmly."I know you read the letter sended to you by pr. Fluexar Harrenten. I know you want answers to your set of mysterious questions.But, i think it's not the right time.."

Rasselone : Yeh! But how do you know?
pr. crosent : Don't worry about that.Folow me.
Pr. Crosent takes out his wand,Went beside the Reaturant where there is no one to see both of them,.Pointed it towards the Yellow dim lamp and spells ' Lentaro Wayona' suddenly a one way dark greyish street appears..
Pr. Crosent: Don't worry only you and me is able to see this street.
Rasselone follows him through a dark musty one way street which head towards a colourful architectural house, where not even a single bird is chirruping.
Pr. Crosent opened the door of his house and says Rasselone" I think this is the best place for both of us to talk."
Rasselone : What's going on? I can't have to understand that street, Thise murders, that book and especially these signs?what's this? ( Shouted out loud)
Pr. Crosent: yeah! I'm here to tell you about these. Rasselone as you read the letter and you got to know about our head professor Fluenxar Harrenten of Fludarth, school of wizardry.Actually, It's a school of magic which exists in real life far from your imaginative dreams . and you're the luckiest one who are selected for a special purpose in your school.You are invited to join from Beggining only from 1st of January onwards.Today, sir Fluensar wants me to meet you.So, I'm here Our school is situated is world 1625 far from your imagination dear. To enter this world and school you have to board on Fluxtar cruise tommorrow only."
Rasselone asked in excietment" Tomorrow only."
" And yeah one more thing don't tell anyone about it or you'll miss the opportunity.From now onwards you'll live with me not in that hostel. Ah! need to live there."

" Okay but, You haven't answered my questions yet about that mysterious murder, and all. What about that sign World 1827."Asked again in full confidence in a thought that he'll surely tell him.

" Ah! Don't worry about it.You'll get to know soon enough.Just meet me same time tommorrow with your luggage." He paused and said" You have to follow same way to your home."
" Sir please."
" No more colloquy and shuts the door slowly."

Rasselone leaves and shuts the door" Thank you so much. I'll reach on time."
On his way to hostel on one side of his mind he was very agitated but on other side he was in different set of circumstances where he doesn't know what's going on. He enters the hostel again stilly, Leaving from the eyes of everyone even from his best friend Rose with whom he shared each and every little secret.

......To be continue
© Jasni ahuja