

At night the two brothers followed the king's daughters but they must not be seen so they took the coat the old woman gave them and wore it and they became invisible they were soo amazed. They followed the king's 10 daughters and found out that they had a secret path and they followed they came across a river where the each of the girls had their boats as the girls sat in the boats they also joined in the last daughters boat they were invisible but the girl felt someone was sitting by her but she didn't mind when they reached the girls came out of the boat and stood in front of another beautiful Palace they danced with the Prince in the Palace for hours and when it was 2 am they sneaked back home .
When it was morning the boys told the king what they had seen and the king was soo pleased so he gave them half of his kingdom but what they didn't know was that one of the king's men was their father when they found out they were so happy they went back home and took their sister with them and went back to the Palace and lived happily ever after.