

Broken and building
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.
Through all the abuse we subjected ourselves to we became broken shattered really from the inside to the out and me an escort and you my client we were doomed from the start everything was fine in the beginning actually no looking back the jealousy was there until it made us both try to rip out our hair you were physically violent I was one of passive-aggressive I'm so put in a position where I had to defend myself you put me in jail which led to prison when I got out I was done and yet you still want to be friends and not let me go but you're not sure how to be a friend care for yourself or even love yourself why was I so blinded because addiction that's a whole different monster by the time I realized how much things had shattered I began to realize that I do in fact matter so I left and happy and safe and that is what matters
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