


This time up, occured along time ago when I was still married to my 2nd wife. I was in my mid 20's.

One of my 2nd cousins had invited my wife and me over to her place one weekend when I worked weekdays as a union construction worker. Since my job wasnt having mandatory overtime, meaning. I had the weekend off.

My cousin and I dont have any childhood memories created from knowing each other as kids because of the big age difference. She was around twenty back then, was rather a good looking short blonde and has blue eyes, but still had no children at that time. I didn't know her all that well, but my wife did because they lived in the same trailer that sat way in the back of my gramma's 40 acres that had already been divided up between my gramma's children before she died from natural causes in her early 70's. My mom had to decline receiving her 3 acres because of being a single mother with 3 boys. I am the youngest.

The reason why my mom didn't take the land offered was that the land's property tax had been accumulating for years without being paid. I believe that was why my gramma's kids got their inheritance early, and not because she was selfless and/or wanted the kids to enjoy their inheritance before becoming old. Basically, enjoy it while still young enough to have more time and use with it.

My mom would have had to come up with $2000, but that was completely absurd with what she earned at her job. So that really sucked big time for the three of us kids. My mom said that she was going to give it to us if she had the money to clear the tax debt, so ended up giving it to anyone of her siblings that could or even wanted the acres. One of her sisters, who had gotten the old family house, the big garage, barn, and the shed that was almost as big as the garage and also was also filled up to the top of it with years of gallon sized rusted tin cans, yet never crushed or recycled, I'm guessing. Maybe the tin wasn't recycled for money back when i was a kid. I can't remember. At the end, there were three of my moms siblings who received their inheritance.

One of the newly appointed land baronesss' was one of my most favorite of aunts out of six or seven of my moms sisters. My aunt was more like my second moms cause I spent most of my summers at her places because of her son being my favorite cousin.

My aunt sold some of the property for practically nothing to three of her kids, then later, my favorite cousin was allowed to move a trailer onto the land and live in it for free. My aunts oldest daughter did the same thing, but was buying the acre that was way in the back which bumped up against weyerhouser land and separated the two properties by an old rickety, short barbwire fence.

My exwife used to live in my first cousins trailer with my second cousin in which this story takes place. My exwifes dad was living with my first cousin until they finally got married. But thats not when they moved from there, but thats another story. So when me and my cousin finally became husband and wife, somehow, her terms of indearment nickname that I used to call her, was, honey-kins. I didnt actually put it together until we were almost to the end of our marriage. I married my cousin.

So there I was just basically getting to know my second cousin and getting to know her boyfriend, but my wife was just getting to know the boyfriend, who also had blonde hair and blue eyes, but was almost a foot taller than all three of us. Can you guess what their precious lil baby girl looked like?

We were playing a dice game that my cousin(my favorite cousins younger brother by 4 years), and his girlfriend had created on one weekend together. This certain game of dice game we had titled, 25,000. We described it as 10,000 on steroids. We didn't create 10,000 we just added more rules, and because it was now too quick to add up scores to the 10,000 number to win the game, we had to make a game out of it by making the win be at 25,000. I still play it with all kinds of different friends, relatives alot because its such an addictive game, and all who've played it, tend to get hooked.

Twenty five years later and twenty five miles away from where we were when we came up with idea of making this game of dice into something, I was living in my trailer, when a couple were introduced to me by another cousin living at that trailer. After visiting awhile with them, one of them spoke up kind of excitedly and had asked if we had ever played 25,000 before. I was shocked and started laughing until I began explaining of exactly why I had just then told them yes and that i had played it once or twice.

I have actually developed three other dice games myself, and slso one with my brother, and he's also developed one by himself that doesnt require the use of pen and paper to score. I wrote down all the games rules with also naming each one that I made. They are all written on a pad of paper to be fixed. The rules need to be more, concise, clear and complete(the 3 C's taught to me that writers should use as a rule. in which I got a 'B' from when I took technical writing years ago in college.

Back to the story;
My second cousin had a really awesome boyfriend living with her in her one bedroom apartment. I had only met him once, but saw right away we would get along just fine. The dice game had its downside-effects on most everyone, in which it was the arguments with what all the players saw. the current roller would sometimes grab the dice back up into his hands too quickly to be seen by other opponents before rolling the dice again while its still the current dice rollers turn. Now those arguments can seriously get out of control and used to be a game changer with the outcome sometimes being one of the players quitting the game, until later on about ten years after the time we were dicing at my 2nd cousins apartment. We had to just put the game into perspective by allowing the game to be just a game, and thats when the arguing had slowed way down between the players, to where no one rarely ever quit again when I've played ever since that time, not even me, due to that cliche.

After the game was over and done, the time was early in the morning, and my wife and I were given bedding with pillows and slept on the living room floor. The other two went into their bedroom and fell asleep.

I was what seemed to be awakened by realizing that I was in the bathroom, not even having to be there to pee, but mostly by where I had just come back from.

I had been abducted and taken up through the walls, and placed on a gurny in an aliens ship. I just stood there in the bathroom reliving the entire event from when I first became aware of myself being there on that gurney inside the ufo and now in the bathroom and had just come to the conclusion of that realization with the knowledge of my being there and now standing in the bathroom⁵the nails first

The moment of total recollection of this that happened to me, I ran out of the bathroom, opened my cousins door on the way to waking up my wife sleeping on the floor, and started to tell this incredible story before all of them were completely present. I had to start over with telling it when my slow poke cousin got there not hearing that I had been abducted and told them in detail all about this tippy trip up into their spaceship somewhere high above earth, of course, I'm guessing about where the ship was. It could have been closed just outside her apartment for all i knew.

There i was on that gurney lying on my back facing upwards looking around. There were two different looking aliens i saw walking around, tall grey ones, and dark green shorter ones with slightly different facial features. And then I heard a guy say something that, when i looked over to my left and tilting my head backwards alot, I could see him also lying on a gurney. He repeated what he said the first time I had heard his voice. He ask me if they had probed me yet. I told him that I had just gotten there and that I was pretty sure that they hadnt. We had talked for just a moment until noticing that they were making noise and flailing their arms around. One had a knife looking thing, another was waving around a strange looking tool that could have been the probe that the guy on the gurney next to me mentioned about. And then I was standing in my cousins bathroom.

Now I know for a fact that I don't remember dreams after a couple of days of having one, sometimes 3 or 4 days, when something triggers it, which this has happened at times, but this thing that had just happened to me, stays as clear in my memory as the night it happened for twenty or so years now.

I'm not editing this story this time cause it's late and I'm tired, its getting posted so I can move on with another one.