

unforgettable Childhood ( 2)
It was not less than a boon for the family that they were witnessing a historical day due to their daughter's achievement. After all, I topped in my school and got first position at district level. Accolades started showering on me, since the minute of the announcement of the result. My parents got consulted and interviewed by journalists about how they made me to study for twelve hours a day and about wherefrom they got inspiration to make a girl child'study more and more. I broke the glass ceiling generally established in a business class traditional family where only getting a formal education with passing marks was more than enough. At this crucial time, getting distinction at district level was something of a paramount importance.

I was on the cloud nine. As I left no stone unturned and burnt midnight oil to get through with flying colours in the exam. And the reward for this was to get me admission in twelfth class with medical stream. At that time,I was the only girl child from my community to get admission in twelfth class, specially with medical stream. I was really excited to see the new world with new people and with the new environment.
Now in this new school, things were really different. The more prominent feature of the new school was indifference of the students.

New terrain with new hardships. But I was always a dive-ready kinda personality.

Hardships and I were made for each others.

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