

all my I had to fight
sometimes people don't understand that we do have admission and a purpose on this lifetime and we all sometimes go through things that we never seen before or heard before at the same time we learned that God have purpose for everybody's life and I didn't know that I always had to fight and I just understand that I had my reason to fight when I was young I had people that used to bother me and it was not funny or unfair but we do both of them kind of things and we also heard that God have a perfect set he's blesses us to make it and I have made it through a lot of things through old and young I will not complain but I'm going to change my fight because that wasn't me too and I'm not going to get mad well my name is Selena and this is my story and I love God and I love what he doing in my life and I'm going to continue on doing what he want me to do and keep going into things that really have purpose and not just anger I learned in my family have a lot of dark things going on in their life and they can't help but drag or make people feel different but I know my life is different but same time I have problems feel like everybody else and I know complain I just do life ain't always been Fair and my kids have been in foster care but at the same time I took care of my kids and now it's time for me and I deserve to have my life for me and I still love my kids and my grandchildren and will take care of them like I post it at the same time all parents can't be like parents and all parents I'm not like both parents so we cannot expect them to be something that we will we are and some people just got to understand the old parents stay strong and you're built strong and you build no different guidelines and storylines but at the same time they still went through things just like we did and we just all have to go through just like everybody else does keep God first always and we'll see that it's more like than just being bitter angry or mad and I know I haven't Gangstar but I still have a purpose for just doing what God want me to do and taking care of my kids and loving them and loving myself and I'm not going to take love myself not taking love for myself to give to nobody or I love unconditionally at least beyond the same time I would like to continue growing in my life and not being bitter but I always had to fight and now complain about fighting when it comes down to my kids yes I fight for my kids I'll fight for myself I fight for my mom that's all for my dad I vote for everybody my family but when you look back at life you look back at having something leaving something legacy is more bigger than anything when you have legacy you have Love on her and respect also and honor and loyalty but now we see that really a family now they don't have no loyalty and they had no respect it is very disloyal and very respectful but I'm going to change my fight and one day I want to make sure I produce shelters everywhere give God bless it it will be done
© Selena Ellison