

MouthBreather part 1
I've been trying to breath through my nose more often after finding out that it's unhealthy to breath only through the mouth. Mouth breathers are more likely to die from a wide variety of ailments such as heart disease or respiratory failure. And I'm not a young man anymore, I need to start focusing on staying healthy.

I paid close attention to this while I drove my old 2036 Honda cart to the vision spa for some R&R.

The new vision spa provides a personalized virtual experience with a selection of nearly a million media channels and movies tailored to your mood with a quick A.I. brain scan. And the main reason I became a spa club member is for their selection of virtual narcotics. Everything from alcohol to morphine, all without the risk of physical damage or addiction. This is accomplished with the A.I.'s advanced diagnostic hypnosis that recalibrates your serotonin and dopamine levels after each session. I decided I'd tryout the Valium, oxi, and cannabis blend and view some comedy.

After the session, feeling very refreshed, I went for a quick stroll. The YMCA I went to as a kid was in the neighborhood and I hoped to see that it was still in operation. This particular neighborhood has gone downhill the past several years and it isn't uncommon to see pushers dealing real drugs to people wanting the spa experience at home. Fortunately as I passed the YMCA I saw a group of teens practicing for marching band on the blacktop. © 2020