

Calvin’s Depression
Uncle Wellford was grumbling this was making Calvin upset. Why are you complaining all the time? Calvin ask I am a grown man I can complain about everything you’re just a youngster with ideas above your bed replied uncle Wellford. I don’t see any said Gayle any what? Uncle Wellford ask ideas above your bed the ceiling is empty replied Gayle. One day I will show you what a real man can really do said uncle Wellford so what can a real man can really do? Calvin ask not speak to an annoying nephews for a start replied uncle Wellford and he walked out of the living room and went in to the kitchen. That day on Calvin started feeling depressed himself things kept getting to him. What is wrong with you oh no don’t you come over here with that depression look on your face said Catherine Murphy. Grandma is it true what uncle Wellford and uncle Freddie did yesterday night? Calvin ask what did they do...