

One More in Space
"Sir, but I don't think that we would be able to reach there on time. And I can prove it." Axlo said. "Prove it Axlo." Ojxa said. "Sir, please discern this illustration. Our Space probe is designed in such a way, that it can only be stable for two minutes. And our mission to the Earth will take two minutes thirty-four point five seconds. Hence, our space probe's stability must be longer. And to make the stability longer, we need to remove the camera from the space probe. Because the camera is making the probe heavier, which is causing the stability period to decrease." Axlo explained.

"But Axlo, if we remove the camera, we would not be able to explore the earth. Hence, let's try making a lighter camera that won't make the stability period shorter. Because without a camera in the space probe, nothing is significant." Ojxa said. "But sir, why we are inserting the cameras in both, space probe and rover? We can just remove the camera from the space probe, and then just we can launch the mission. Because trying to make a lighter camera would take another three months. Consequently, let's not waste time, and just remove the camera from the space probe."

"Okay Axlo, I agree with your point. Please tell the technicians to remove the screws and bolts of the camera and remove the camera too. And this all should happen within six minutes only. Let's launch the mission today evening itself." Ojxa answered. "I'm on this, sir. Thank you so much." Axlo replied.

The Martian Space Organisation of the M. S. O. launched the space probe and started navigating the Space Probe. "Spacecraft Control Center, do you copy me?" "Yes, we copy you. Please tell your commands." "In 36 seconds, please release the rover from the space probe. Our probe has now entered the Earth's atmosphere."
"Released rover from the probe exactly about 36.00 seconds. Operating Heat Shield. Space Probe fixed into the orbit of the Planet Earth." "Rover successfully, about to land on the surface of Earth. No, no, no, no, No! Rover damaged and lost contact with us due to some turbulence! Rover mission failed. Space Probe mission successful. It is in the orbit of the Earth and is sending us good pictures. Conclusion: Earth has water, land, soil, rocks, as same as Mars, and some clouds too." The Engineers and controllers were having a conversation.

The terrible turbulence which the martian people were thinking was just an ordinary airplane of humans. While they were disappointed due to the failed mission of rover, humans saw some unusual spacecraft crashed into the centre of the city. No property or life was affected, but the road was a bit broken. Scientists took that unusual spacecraft of the Mars Space Organisation to their lab to study. They finally got to know that the spacecraft was from Mars, and some intelligence stays there. Immediately, NASA launched various space probes, rovers to mars, for more expedition, and those spacecraft finally confirmed and declared, there is life on Mars. The whole world was shocked by seeing the pictures of those intelligent people on Mars, which were nothing but aliens to us. Hence, humans finally got to know, that they are not the only in space, and, there is One More in Space.

~Akhil Sharma

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