

Shortcake's #1
Prompts (I use words to create a mini story)
Here are the words for today;
Dark, chubby, mask, blood, boy, eyes, tired, Nightmare, voices, hectic, rain,grey. (Am going to be picking this word's alternatively).
(Not Edited)

The sky suddenly turned dark grey, Jasmine didn't know if the sky was playing tricks on  her or it really was going to rain. Just to be on a safer side she made her way home, jogging, saying she was tired would be an understatement since she had an hectic day. Her day these days are shorter with little time to eat and little time to complete her work. she sighed as she pulled her face masks towards the  to cover her face this was part of her routine "a disguise to stop people from looking at the face of a freak" she had once thought.

She was brought out of her thought when she collided with something, a certain someone,

"Sorry didnt-" lost in a transfixed state as she noticed the person she had collided with was a chubby boy who looked about five years of age, he had a smirk on his face, which sent chills to her bones.

"Yehs eporo elo ola's"the boy said, in another Language which Jasmine surprisingly can understand but his voice held in other voices, and it was as if he isn't the one speaking.

"What do yyou-"

"Ure abm eh" the boy said once more, cutting her off, while walking towards her, his eyes turned red with blood dripping out of his nose.

The boy reached for her, while licking his lips as his finger nails extended after making contact with her skin.

"Om espa ok imif El"she screamed, waking up drenched in sweat.

"When will these Nightmares stop?"she wondered.

What do you think?