


Kabir saw a red cardinal bird chirping as he was on his way to office. It's said that when we see red cardinal bird you meet a special person.

He heard a screechy voice.

"Sorry sir. Someone came suddenly so I applied the brakes." His driver said.

" Where's that someone?" Kabir got out of the car. His protruding eyes searching for the one who dared to bang with his car.

" Can I have my papers back please? " she said. She had an attractive face with curly long hair suiting her round face. Her red attire was perfectly matching with her intensely intelligent face.

He closed his eyes to savor the experience.

"Can you hear?" she said as she collected the scattered papers.

Kabir kneeled down to collect the papers and saw her mangalsutra dangling from her neckline. She collected her papers and hurried inside Kabir's office.

"Good morning Sir." Kabir's office gatekeeper wished him.

He wished his gatekeeper sucking in a quick breath. I can't believe it. That woman. He whispered shaking his head in disbelief.

She lingered in his mind while he attended his morning meeting. After the meeting, he went to see off the guests. While coming, the lift stopped at the middle floor. He saw the same lady entering the lift.

"Lady, this lift is only for top management people. How could you enter this lift? " he fumed. She looked at him and started sobbing.

The lift stopped at the top floor and she walked inside.

"You have entered my cabin." He said.

"Sorry I will go."

"No sit down. I am kabir Khanna, managing director of this company. "

She sat down tightly clutching her purse . He offered her a glass of water and she gulped it down quickly.

"What are you doing in my office?"

She didn't answer and stared down at her hands.

"Answer fast. I don't like to wait. "

She started crying. He stared at her blankly not knowing what to do. For Kabir, this territory was completely unknown. How to soothe a crying unfamiliar woman?, he thought. He had to show compassion as directed by Dr. Harish. He was aware of his last night discussion.

"What's your name? You can answer me that. " He asked narrowing his eyes.

"I am Meera and I can answer everything. I had an interview in your company and it went off well. But I don't think the panel will select me."

"Why is that so Ms. Meera?"

"I have a small baby at home and being a mother is a crime , Mr. Khanna , in this competitive world."

"Hmm. Is that so. Let me have a look at your credentials."

She handed over the file to him and kabir studied the file silently.

"Well you deserve this job. Your credentials are very impressive. Why are you so low in confidence, lady?"

"I have given interviews in past. They either reject me or offer me less pay. It's a disgrace that you corporate people talk about women empowerment. "

"Thats not the case everywhere Ms. Meera. Leave your credentials and I will see what can be done for you. "

"I don't want sympathy but I must get what I deserve. I will not appreciate if you offer me the job only because of this emotional meeting. "

"I don't indulge in favoritism and usually I don't like people advising me. But your point is noted." He said sternly.

"Thanks for hearing me. Good day." Her voice was choked with emotions and eyes were still wet.

She left the cabin leaving Kabir astonished. No one dared to talk with him the way Meera did. Khanna Industries was kind of modern office but there was no emphasis on openess in communication. In Khanna Industries there was only one rule. Kabir's rule. Employees found him unapproachable and the same time they loved to work in Khanna Industries. Girls hardly left Khanna Industries. Piercing black eyes with well toned muscles, rough yet elegant look, made kabir the most eligible bachelor.

Kabir opened the first drawer of his table and took out a photo frame. He looked at the photo and held it tightly at his chest. He felt sick and kept the photo in the drawer. Meera's wet eyes flashed in front of him.

Meera was at the park for her evening walk with her baby. Her mind was still jittery with the morning meeting. Will Kabir offer me job? Did he really feel I deserve the job or was it just a formality? She thought as she was strrolling with her baby.

Her phone rang, disturbing her thoughts.

"Hello Ms. Meera. This is Aditya from Khanna Industries. You t are selected for the post of finance manager. Can you start from tomorrow?" He asked.

Her eyes brightened and she could feel a tingling sensation in her hands.

"Ms. Meera are you listening ?"

"Yes I can start tomorrow." She said with a broad smile.

"Well then, tomorrow first collect your offer letter and then we will direct you further. Good day and meet you tomorrow."

"Good day Aditya. "She said.

She kissed her baby on his cheeks. Finally I got it. She whispered clasping her hands.