

The beauty behind sorrows
"How can the feeling of distress be beautiful? How can disappointments be encouraging? How do I live with misfortune?"
These thoughts keep floating in my head then I realize will life be worth living if there are no moments of sorrow, sadness? Absolutely no, there will be no reason for one to strive.

Imagine how life will be boring if you wake up every morning to same thing " happiness ". It is undisputable one might feel down at times but what matters is how you clean up your tears after every rejection, pick yourself up after every loss and give yourself the courage that is needed to be happy. Make the best of every disappointment because surely there is a better opportunity, it's just that you may not see it at that time so don't let the feelings of distress obstruct your chances of seeing a better opportunity. Your purpose is yours and only yours to fulfill.

Sorrows are behind every individuals growth and success. It plays a great role in success, the fact that they share same initials isn't just a coincidence. The strength and courage you need to achieve alot has always been in you but you need disappointment, rejection, sorrow to trigger it. Can you see how beautiful sorrow is, it makes you cry one second but gives you a reason to live life the next.

One thing I've come to realize is sorrow takes you closer to your lord, what can be more beautiful than that?

It's high time we brace ourselves and accept every rejection, seize every opportunities we stumble against and make the best out of life. Learn to see the beauty in everything and appreciate ourselves for what we've achieved.
Surely disappointment is an essential part of our lives. We owe success, growth and happiness to it. There is beauty in sorrow and I hope you see it.
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